LNMP environment manually updates Let's Encrypt free SSL certificate

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Recently, let's Encrypt, another website of the VPS encyclopedia webmaster, did not automatically update its free SSL certificate. We had to manually update the LNMP's SSL certificate first.

Here, VPS encyclopedia records the steps of its own operations, mainly for its own convenience. Of course, if you can bind it, you will be very happy, hehe~~~

Upgrade acme.sh script

Enter the acme folder and directly upgrade the acme.sh script.

cd /usr/local/acme.sh

acme.sh --upgrade

After the upgrade, update the certificate.

In addition, because of the acme protocol and frequent updates, acme.sh also needs to be updated frequently to maintain synchronization. If you do not want to manually upgrade every time, you can turn on automatic upgrade.

acme.sh --upgrade --auto-upgrade

The following command turns off automatic upgrade.

acme.sh --upgrade --auto-upgrade 0

Manually Renew Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate

The specified domain name renewal will be skipped by default according to the validity period, and can be enforced by referring to the parameters

acme.sh --renew -d vpsbk.com

Multiple sites can be checked at one time

acme.sh --cron

Set Scheduled Task

crontab -e

0 1 * * * "/usr/local/acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/usr/local/acme.sh" > /dev/null

Force Update

acme.sh --cron --force

Solution to the error of adding email account when updating [New in June 2022]:

Error prompt: Please update your account with an email address first

As shown in the figure below:

LNMP环境手动更新Let'sEncrypt免费SSL证书 terms of settlement:

 #Switch to script directory cd /usr/local/acme.sh #Execute script acme.sh --register-account -m [email protected]

Remember to change the email address in the above command to your own email address.

After the above steps, the LNMP SSL certificate was successfully updated manually~~~

End of body
 VPS Encyclopedia Editor
Copyright notice: The original article of this website was written by VPS Encyclopedia Editor Published on August 30, 2021, totaling 786 words.
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