Centos yum Command Prompt BDB1507 Thread did in Berkeley DB Library Solution

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VPS encyclopedia purchased Conscience Cloud VPS for a few days, and it works very well. Moreover, VPS encyclopedia is currently hosted on Conscience Cloud VPS, and its overall stability and access speed are very good.

However, when I entered the background of Conscience Cloud VPS a few days ago, I was reminded that there are related vulnerabilities that need to be repaired. The yum command is required for the repair method. Once the project repair command is executed, the error "BDB1507 Thread did in Berkeley DB library" is prompted.

Centos系统yum命令提示BDB1507 Thread died in Berkeley DB library解决办法

Here, we share the solution to the "BDB1507 Thread did in Berkeley DB library" abnormal error of yum command in centos system. I hope it can help you.

1、 Delete the rpmdb file starting with __db in the/var/lib/rpm directory

rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*

2、 Rpm database reconstruction

rpm --rebuilddb

3、 Clean all yum caches

yum clean all

4、 Regenerate yum cache

yum makecache

After executing the above four commands, the yum command exception error "BDB1507 Thread did in Berkeley DB library" under centos can be solved.

Then, vps encyclopedia fixed the related centos system vulnerability.

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 VPS Encyclopedia Editor
Copyright notice: The original article of this website was written by VPS Encyclopedia Editor Published on 2021-06-08, with a total of 461 words.
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