CentOS system installs sendmail to send mail

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CentOS is VPS encyclopedia's favorite Linux system and the benchmark system for many related tutorials. However, CentOS cannot send emails by default. Children's shoes that need to send emails can install a sendmail program.

Install sendmail


yum -y install sendmail

The program will automatically search for the sendmail installer and install it automatically.

After installing sendmail, execute the following command to start sendmail

service sendmail start

After startup, we can execute the mail command to test whether the mail can be sent

1、 Send mail from file content

First create a body.txt

# touch body.txt

Write content

echo ' This is test mail '>body.txt

Send Mail

mail -s 'Test mail' [email protected] < body.txt

I got the mail in a minute

Click Open, and the body content is the content of body.txt

 This is test mail

2、 Send mail content directly with pipeline character

If you do not want to send the mail content through a file, you can also send it this way

echo " This is test mail " | mail -s 'Test mail' [email protected]

The above effect is the same as the content of the email sent by the file

If you are prompted by mail: command not found

-bash: mail: command not found

The mail command is not installed. You need to install the mail command at this time

yum install mailx -y

Then resend the following email!

In particular, if a firewall is installed, please add the following rules:

Iptables settings

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT

Sendmail Common Commands

1. View messages in process

/usr/lib/sendmail -bp

2. Clear unsuccessful messages

rm -rf /var/spool/mqueue/*

Startup settings of sendmail service

chkconfig --level 35 sendmail on

Start up command.

End of body
 VPS Encyclopedia Editor
Copyright notice: The original article of this website was written by VPS Encyclopedia Editor Published on January 23, 2021, totaling 824 words.
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