AMH free host panel is the leader of domestic host panel

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AMH is a very famous domestic free host panel. The key is that it has survived for nearly 10 years, which is very difficult. Moreover, AMH is really good. Those who are not used to the command line can use the AMH host panel, and the latest version of AMH 6.0 is free.

AMH免费主机面板 国产主机面板的佼佼者

Introduction to AMH host panel

AMH is the first open source host panel in China, using APL open source software protocol. Over the past few years, we have been committed to innovating, improving and responding to the needs of users. We have a shining reputation among users.

Up to now, AMH series products have been downloaded and installed hundreds of thousands of times, and relevant application fields also occupy most of the domestic market shares.

AMH host advantages

The first open source virtual machine panel in China

AMH is the first open source host panel in China, using APL open source software protocol.

Over the past few years, we have been committed to innovating, improving and responding to the needs of users. We have a shining reputation among users.

Up to now, AMH series products have been downloaded and installed hundreds of thousands of times, and relevant application fields also occupy most of the domestic market shares.

The first elastic virtual machine panel in China

AMH realizes platform architecture design, high scalability and flexibility, and all functional software can be customized, downloaded and installed.

AMH supports users to flexibly set up and switch the running environment. You can download and install different versions of WEB server, database and script software to create the running environment you need.

For example, you can create different WEB application environments such as LNMP, LAMP, LNMH, LNGX, and LNAMP. (PHP environment supports coexistence of all PHP versions, including PHP 5.2, 5.3~5.6, 7.0~7.4, and 8.0)

The first panel supporting the establishment of SMTP post office in China

AMH supports users to set up a fully independent SMTP enterprise post office. It supports unlimited domain name mailbox binding and unlimited post office account restrictions.

You can send and receive letters freely, no longer need to use third-party mail hosting services, protect the privacy of letter data, and have full flexibility and autonomy.

The first panel supporting PHP8 environment in China

At present, PHP 8, a major update to PHP, has been released online.

The running performance of PHP8 has been greatly improved, and the running performance of PHP8/JIT will be twice that of PHP7+.

The AMH environment software has fully supported the operation of PHP 8. You can easily create multiple (lNMP/LAMP) PHP versions of the environment for simultaneous use.

The first panel supporting HTTP/2 environment in China

At present, Nginx and Apache new versions of the AMH panel have improved HTTP/2 support.

HTTP/2 is the latest optimized version of HTTP/1. x.

The loading speed of HTTP/2 is greatly improved (2 times+) compared with the old HTTP/1. x protocol.

The first panel supporting Apache 2.4 environment in China

The new version of AMH has launched Apache 2.4 support, which provides the latest version of Apache 2.4.

AMH Apache 2.4 environment uses better performance event mode and flexible php fpm process management to run.

AMH provides support for all PHP versions. (including php5.2 which is not supported by Apache 2.4)

The first panel supporting HHVM environment in China

HHVM is a high-performance virtual machine developed by Facebook to execute PHP code. The new version of AMH panel has launched HHVM environment support.

HHVM has the advantages of fast code generation and instant compilation, and has extremely high performance.

AMH 6.0 free installation

1) Your recommended script (fast installation of amh)

wget && bash acc 2438

2) Your recommended script (compile and install amh)

wget && bash gcc 2438

VPS encyclopedia recommends that you install the AMH 6.0 free host panel in the fast installation mode.

Solutions to common problems in the installation of AMH 6.0 free version

1. Install amh if prompted wget: command not found

Please execute the following command to install wget before installing AMH:

yum install -y wget || apt-get install -y wget

2. If the server cannot resolve the domain name during the installation of amh, please replace the DNS of the server before installing AMH. Execute the following command to complete the replacement DNS resolution:

echo -e "options timeout:1 attempts:1 rotate\nnameserver\nnameserver" >/etc/resolv.conf;

3. After the successful installation of amh, the panel cannot be accessed. Please check whether the host company has security group/firewall related restrictions. Please open the port, such as 8888 port of the panel.

AMH Toll Edition Introduction

Of course, if you need more powerful functions, you can consider the commercial version of AMH, which is also cheap. Moreover, AMH has been engaged in sales promotion for ten years. It offers discounts and recharges. If you are interested, you can have a look.

Comparison of AMH paid version and free version:

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 VPS Encyclopedia Editor
Copyright notice: The original article of this website was written by VPS Encyclopedia Editor Published on May 30, 2021, totaling 1737 words.
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