What Is Rape Trauma Syndrome?

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Verywell / Alison Czinkota

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Rape trauma syndrome (RTS) is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is the specific version of PTSD that occurs after sexual assault . RTS is most commonly associated with rape, but other forms of sexual assault, such as attempted rape, can also lead to RTS.

While it is considered more of an emotional and psychological condition than it is a physical one, Rape trauma is regarded as a syndrome because there are standard and consistent behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that occur consistently in victims of sexual assault.

The term rape trauma syndrome was coined by nurse Anna Wolbert Burgess and sociologist Lynda Lytle Holmstrom in 1974.

At a Glance

Responses to trauma can vary but may include anxiety, mood swings, helplessness, social withdrawal, nightmares, flashbacks, and sexual dysfunction. Victims of sexual assault may experience one, some, or all of rape trauma syndrome symptoms, and they may experience them for months or years after the rape or assault. Keep reading to find out more about the signs of rape trauma syndrome, as well as the stages, causes, and treatments for the condition.

Stages of Rape Trauma Syndrome

RTS is generally broken down into three stages based on the physical occurrence of the sexual assault:

  1. Acute
  2. Outward Adjustment
  3. Resolution or Integration


The acute stage of RTS occurs in the moments, days, and weeks after sexual assault. The Rape Abuse and Incest National Network says that victims fall into one of three categories during this stage:

  • Expressed : The victim is outwardly upset and emotional
  • Controlled : Rather than outwardly upset, they are in shock and behaving as if everything is OK
  • Shocked Disbelief : The victim is disoriented and may have a hard time recollecting their attack

Outward Adjustment

After the initial, or acute phase, the next linear stage of rape trauma syndrome is the Outward Adjustment stage. During this stage, which can last anywhere from weeks to months, or even longer, the sexual assault victim does not appear to be as traumatized and shaken as they were during the acute phase that immediately followed the assault.

Even though a person may appear to be OK and moving on with life, this second phase of RTS makes clear that, quite often, that appearance is not true.

People in this stage may try to rationalize or justify the assault, act like it wasn't a big deal, refuse to discuss it, or engage in extreme activities like moving away or changing relationships.

Regardless of the coping technique, people moving through this phase are often still incredibly traumatized.

Resolution or Integration

The third and final stage of rape trauma syndrome is when the victim has come to terms with the fact that the sexual assault occurred and does their best to move on from it.

They may never forgive their assailant or feel entirely comfortable sexually again, but they make a concerted effort to move forward with their life regardless. Unfortunately, this phase is indefinite, and some people may experience a relapse into one of the two previous stages.

Symptoms of Rape Trauma Syndrome

There is no single human response to any occurrence, but rape trauma syndrome clarifies that there are common patterns. For example, in the case of sexual assault, there are a set of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that occur in the days, weeks, and months following the traumatic event.

These are the most known exhibited symptoms of rape trauma syndrome:

According to the Association for Marriage and Family Counseling, rape trauma creates emotional injuries and grief that can affect a person's ability to function. People may also experience a fear of being touched and difficulties with intimacy. Problems with chronic pelvic pain, gastrointestinal problems, and chronic pain can also occur.

What Causes Rape Trauma Syndrome?

Rape trauma syndrome is a specific form of PTSD, with a particular set of behaviors and psychological impacts caused by sexual assault. Victims of sexual assault might experience RTS even if they were assaulted in a way different from the exact definition of rape, which, by law, must involve penetration.

For example, under the umbrella of sexual assault, RAINN (the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) considers the following actions to be sexual assault, and you may experience RTS after these events:

  • Attempted rape
  • Forced sexual contact
  • Forced sex acts

You can experience rape trauma syndrome if you were the victim of sexual assault that does not exactly fit the FBI definition. RTS can occur whether you knew your assailant as an acquaintance, if they were a loved one, or if they were a complete stranger. It can happen whether the event is hours long or barely a minute. It can happen whether the event was in your home, the assailant's home, or in public.

How Do You Know If You Have Rape Trauma Syndrome?

If you are the victim of sexual assault, and especially if you are the victim of rape, it is highly likely that you will experience rape trauma syndrome. If you were sexually assaulted in the past, you may have experienced RTS but were unaware that what you were experiencing had a name.

The set of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings called rape trauma syndrome is the most frequent and expected response to rape, but if you reacted differently than any of the above list of symptoms, that doesn't mean you didn't move through RTS.

You may have processed it differently because all brains are different. If you were raped or otherwise assaulted sexually, it is very likely that you experienced, or continue to experience, RTS.

Researchers also note that it is important for victims, health professionals, and loved ones to understand that rape trauma syndrome is not an abnormal response. It is a normal reaction to an abnormal, traumatic experience.  

Treatment for Rape Trauma Syndrome

The trauma of rape and sexual assault can seem never-ending. Many victims feel that their lives are forever changed from it happening.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take if you are experiencing rape trauma syndrome. Though no action can erase the event from your mind, seeking help can assist you in moving on from the assault and living a full, happy life again.

Reach Out to Loved Ones

There is no need to experience this alone and no benefit to doing so, either. Tell someone in your world what happened, and let them help you find a professional crisis counselor.

Join a Support Group

Even if you know that you aren't alone in going through this, joining a support group can enable you to feel and understand that on a deeper level. Support groups for sexual assault survivors exist in most major cities and online.

Seek a Trauma-Informed Therapist

Any form of therapy can help us move on from difficult times, but in this situation, you will be best suited for treatment if you find a trauma therapist who knows how to work with victims of assault. There are numerous subtypes of this therapy category, and you may need to experiment to find the best fit for you.

Effective treatments may include cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy .

How to Support Someone With Rape Trauma Syndrome

If a friend, loved one, or partner is experiencing rape trauma syndrome, there are things that you can do to help support them. Steps you can take include:

  • Listen and validate their emotions : Allow your loved one to talk to you about their experiences at their own time and pace. Focus on being supportive and attentive as you validate what they are saying and feeling .
  • Don't pressure them : You might feel that there are certain things your loved one should do, but be careful not to pressure them into taking steps they are not ready for. Instead, let them know they have your support no matter what they decide.
  • Don't blame or shame : It's common for people to try to look for "reasons" why something terrible happens. However, doing so often places the blame for an assault on the victim . Don't victim blame , and ensure your loved one knows you believe and support them.

Having the support of loved ones is pivotal when it comes to coping with trauma. Evidence suggests that people who lack such support experience worse treatment and recovery outcomes.

Keep in Mind

Rape trauma syndrome may be an overwhelming experience, and it can feel indefinite when you are in the first stages of it. By taking one of the suggested treatment steps, you can move along on the path to healing. Give yourself time, make sure you are caring for yourself, and lean on your social support system.

If you are a survivor of sexual assault, you can contact the  RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline  at 1-800-656-4673 to receive confidential support from a trained staff member at a local RAINN affiliate.

For more mental health resources, see our  National Helpline Database .

10 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Burgess AW, Holmstrom LL. Rape trauma syndrome The American Journal of Psychiatry . 1974; 131(9):981-986.

  2. RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network. Rape trauma syndrome .

  3. University of Arkansas. Rape trauma syndrome .

  4. Mohammed GF, Hashish RKH.  Sexual violence against females and its impact on their sexual function Egypt J Forensic Sci.  2015; 5(3):96-102. doi:10.1016/j.ejfs.2014.08.004

  5. Association for Marriage and Family Counseling. Rape trauma .

  6. Panisch LS, Tam LM.  The role of trauma and mental health in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain: A systematic review of the intervention literature Trauma Violence Abuse . 2020; 21(5):1029-1043. doi:10.1177/1524838018821950

  7. RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network). Sexual assault .

  8. Singh OP, Sarkar S, Singh V. Clinical practice guidelines for assessment and management of psychiatric emergencies in victims of sexual violence Indian J Psychiatry . 2023; 65(2):175-180. doi:10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_775_22

  9. American Psychological Association.  Clinical practice guideline for the treatment of PTSD .

  10. Freedman SA, Gilad M, Ankri Y, Roziner I, Shalev AY.  Social relationship satisfaction and PTSD: which is the chicken and which is the egg? Eur J Psychotraumatol . 2015; 6:28864. doi:10.3402/ejpt.v6.28864

By Ariane Resnick, CNC
Ariane Resnick, CNC is a mental health writer, certified nutritionist, and wellness author who advocates for accessibility and inclusivity.