VanDyke Software

Transportable Python Scripting

Transportable Python Scripting

SecureCRT® supports a number of ActiveX scripting languages, including JScript , VBScript and PerlScript . But chances are your network environment includes more than just Windows® systems. In order for your scripts to run and save you valuable time, they need to work across platforms. SecureCRT's support for Python scripting enables cross-platform automation possibilities.

Multi-Platform Support

Support for Python scripting is available for all platforms for which SecureCRT is available:

Multi-platform support means that many Python scripts are transportable and may be copied to other machines. Many script files that are accessible (i.e., on a shared drive) may be executed on any platform.

Jumpstarting Your Python Scripting

Scripting allows you to automate repetitive tasks, like:

  • Logging on to remote hosts
  • Sending text to remote hosts
  • Transferring files

But you do not have to create all Python scripts from scratch. VanDyke Software provides a number of example Python scripts you may save and execute as is or use to model new Python scripts. Creating new scripts using Python is simplified by SecureCRT's built-in script recorder.

Python scripting may just be the beginning of task automation . Mapping scripts to key strokes or buttons on the customizable button bar make them even easier to run.

Get Started

SecureCRT's powerful task automation tools allow your organization to increase the efficiency of network administration. And, multi-platform support for Python scripting enables time-saving scripts to be useful on nearly every system on your network, making SecureCRT an ideal terminal emulation client for your organization to standardize on. Give your network administrators the tools and capabilities to boost efficiency. Download SecureCRT for a free 30-day evaluation.

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Please contact us for assistance in finding the right solution for your organization.

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