Industrial X-ray testing equipment
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Welcome to UFJ Technology

Company Profile

UFJ Technology is a leading enterprise in the field of industrial X-ray in China, a national "little giant" enterprise specializing in specialty and new technology, and a listed company on the science and technology innovation board (stock code 688531). The company's main products are industrial X-ray testing equipment and X-ray emission sources, which are used for product quality testing in several major high-tech industrial manufacturing fields around the world and are known as "industrial doctors" in the industry. At present, the company is headquartered in Wuxi National High tech Zone, has three manufacturing bases in China, and is building overseas factories in Malaysia. At present, the company has more than 900 people, two research and development centers, and an advanced detection application technology research institute..

Enterprise honor

UFJ Science and Technology has undertaken the national major science and technology projects "02 Project", "863 Project", and "Major Instrument Project" of the Ministry of Science and Technology. It has carried out industry university research cooperation with the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Southeast University and other scientific research institutes, and has taken the lead in drafting several national standards and industrial standards, obtaining more than 400 domestic and foreign patents and software copyrights. After more than ten years of development, UFJ Technology has established production plants in Wuxi, Shenzhen and Chongqing, and has offices in 15 cities across the country. Its products have been exported to more than 70 countries and regions. At present, UFJ Technology has become a benchmark enterprise in the domestic industrial X-ray intelligent detection industry.

The "micro focus X-ray emission source" developed by UFJ Technology over the past ten years has broken the monopoly of the United States and Japan, filled the domestic gap, successfully solved the "choke" problem, had a positive impact on China's integrated circuit, new energy batteries, automobile manufacturing, aerospace military industry and other industries, and ensured the safety layout of China's key industries. This technological breakthrough is currently in the leading position of "the third in the world" and is recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as "internationally advanced and domestically leading".

UFJ Technology will always adhere to the core values of "sunshine, decency, learning and gratitude", adhere to innovative technology to achieve excellent quality, and commit to making industrial X-ray image detection more intelligent, leading domestic substitution, and promoting Chinese intelligent manufacturing.
corporate culture

Vision Be the most professional X-ray enterprise and create a respected brand in the world

Values Sunny and decent, learn to be grateful

 corporate culture
 corporate culture
Company qualification

 Company qualification
 Company qualification

development history Development History

2009 Development till now

  • Before 2009

    ● Shenzhen UFJ was incorporated

  • 2009-2010

    ● Wuxi UFJ was incorporated
    ● Launch of electronic manufacturing X-ray testing equipment

  • 2011-2013

    ● Undertake the national "863" complete equipment technology project
    ● Chongqing UFJ was incorporated
    ● Start basic research and development of core components (micro focus X-ray source)

  • 2014-2016

    ● Undertake the national "02 special project"
    ● X-ray R&D and production of casting weldments and materials
    ● Launch of new energy battery X-ray testing equipment
    ● Launch of integrated circuit X-ray testing equipment

  • 2017-2020

    ● Launch of X-ray testing equipment for public security, logistics, Lvtong and other vehicles
    ● Successful development of 90kV ray source
    ● Successful development of integrated circuit and electronic manufacturing software platform
    ● Successful development of AI automatic identification software platform

  • 2021-2022

    ● Undertake the national key project of "intelligent sensor"
    ● Launch of 3D/CT X-ray testing equipment
    ● Foreign matter detection X-ray detection equipment put on the market
    ● 130kV ray source successfully developed
    ● Successful development of AI automatic labeling software platform
    ● Successful development of 3D/CT automatic detection software platform