Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garcis


Decent Work

Praise the efforts made to provide decent and meaningful employment opportunities for young people, women and the unemployed, and create bright employment prospects


Emphasize the challenges faced by the disabled in the fields of employment, health care and public space, and strengthen political commitment and social responsibilities

Environmental action

Promote the implementation of the Paris Agreement, emphasizing the threat to our health, food and ecosystem caused by the widespread use of plastic products

Migrants and refugees

Promote the implementation of landmark United Nations agreements, such as the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Normal Migration and the Global Compact for Refugees

Gender equality

For women and girls who have suffered violence, as well as girls and adolescents who cannot receive quality education, we should give priority to fulfilling our commitments to them

Revitalization of the United Nations

Promote the revitalization agenda and bring the work of the General Assembly closer to the people

Youth, peace and security

Strengthening the rights of young people and promoting peace and security