If I have a UN grounds pass, do I have to register or get a special pass to attend?

If you hold a valid UN grounds pass, you do not need to register or to request a pass. Your valid UN grounds pass will enable you to enter any of the events, space permitting.

If I do not hold a valid UN grounds pass, can I obtain a special event ticket to attend?

Representatives invited to participate as panelists or discussants will receive a letter of invitation from the Office of the President of the General Assembly (OPGA). Representatives of civil society organizations and other relevant groups interested in attending as observers and who do not hold a valid UN grounds pass may indicate interest in attending an event by contacting us.

Will the events be webcast?

Yes, at the time of the events, they will be webcast live here . UN Web TV videos of the webcast will also be available after the event in the UN Web TV archive.

Can I send questions and comments regarding events and/or their concept notes?

Please contact us directly . You may also follow updates on the PGA events via Twitter @UN_PGA .

How will panelists and discussants be selected?

Panelists and discussants for the events will be chosen through a nomination process by the OPGA and relevant agencies and based on the objectives of the respective activities. Please check every event webpage separately to find out more about the  individual events.

Will the OPGA provide letters of invitation to secure a visa?

The OPGA will not be able to provide letters of invitation to secure a visa.

How will the inputs of civil society and other relevant stakeholders influence the outcomes of the High-level Events of the President of the General Assembly?

The inputs of civil society and other relevant stakeholders may be taken into account in the preparation of the events and accompanying materials.

Will there be opportunities for Permanent Observer Organizations as well as UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes to speak at the event?

Yes, depending on the modalities of the meeting. Based on the modalities of the event, heads of Intergovernmental Organisations that are Permanent Observers to the General Assembly as well as heads of UN agencies, funds and programmes are encouraged to contact Mr. Carlos Galindo, Tel. 1 (212) 963-5307,  e-mail: galindo(at) un.org and register their intention to speak at the event. Representatives from these bodies will be given the opportunity to take the floor at the conclusion of statements from Member States, time permitting.

If you have further inquiries please contact us.