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Nelson Mandela Peace Summit


On 24 September, a day before the start of the General Debate of the 73rd session of the General Assembly, the General Assembly will convene the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit.

The focus of the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit is on Global Peace in honour of the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela.

This Peace Summit offers the opportunity for world leaders to renew their commitment to global peace, conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacebuilding, promotion and protection of human rights and long-term development initiatives as called for by the Secretary-General. The Peace Summit will also adopt a political declaration, which will reaffirm the values of Nelson Mandela.


Member States and Observers

Member States are encouraged to participate at the highest possible level, preferably at the level of Heads of State and Government.

Official delegations and members of the parties of Heads of State or Government, Vice Presidents and Crown Princes or Princesses will be registered by the Protocol and Liaison Service. Missions/offices are required to submit their registration requests by using the online  system “eAccreditation” available through the eDelegate Portal .

The deadline for submission of registration to the high-level meetings, including the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit, is Friday, 14 September 2018 .

The list of speakers, to be opened a month in advance of the High-level meeting on 24 August, will be established in accordance with the rules of procedure and established practice of the Assembly. Delegations wishing to be inscribed on the list are kindly requested to do so through the eDelegate Portal

Access for official delegations to the General Assembly Hall for the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit will require a regular delegate’s pass plus a secondary access card . This secondary access card, issued by the Protocol and Liaison Service, is transferable amongst members of a delegation and is valid for the period of the high-level week from 24 September to 1 October 2018.

For that purpose, the Protocol and Liaison Service will issue two types of secondary access cards as follows:

Every permanent mission will be issued six cards of one colour for access to the General Assembly Hall and four cards of a different colour for access to the second floor of the General Assembly and Conference Buildings

The secondary access card for the General Assembly Hall is valid for the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit on 24 September and the general debate of the 73rd session from 25 September to 1 October 2018.

These secondary access cards will be distributed by the Protocol and Liaison Service on Thursday, 20 September 2018 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm in Conference Room “B”. Thereafter, access cards may be collected in the Protocol Office at Room S-0200 during office hours.

UN System

Intergovernmental organizations and related entities that have observer status with the General Assembly are invited to be represented at the highest possible level.

Access for official delegations to the General Assembly Hall for the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit will require a regular delegate’s pass plus a secondary access card . This secondary access card, issued by the Protocol and Liaison Service, is transferable amongst members of a delegation and is valid for the period of the high-level week from 24 September to 1 October 2018.

For that purpose, the Protocol and Liaison Service will issue two types of secondary access cards as follows:

  1. Each intergovernmental organization will be issued two colour-coded access cards  for access to the General Assembly Hall, and two cards of a different colour for access to the second floor of the General Assembly and Conference Buildings
  2. Each specialized agency will be issued one colour-coded access card for access to the General Assembly Hall; in addition, and two cards of a different colour for access to the second floor of the General Assembly and Conference Buildings

The secondary access card for the General Assembly Hall is valid for the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit on 24 September and the general debate of the 73rd session from 25 September to 1 October 2018.

These secondary access cards will be distributed by the Protocol and Liaison Service on Thursday, 20 September 2018 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm in Conference Room “B”. Thereafter, access cards may be collected in the Protocol Office at Room S-0200 during office hours.

Civil Society

Non-governmental organizations that are in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council are invited to register with Secretariat to attend the high-level meeting.

For non-governmental or other stakeholders without valid UN grounds passes, the registration process has been completed.

Once the applicant has received a confirmation email, he or she should expect to receive a further email with details on time, date and location at which the special events ticket is to be collected. Please find the  final list here

With special events tickets, participants are allowed to enter the United Nations compound through the visitor entrance at 46th Street and 1 st Avenue one hour prior to the event, at the earliest. Due to security restrictions for the High-Level week of the General Assembly, access to the UN will be via the checkpoint at 45th Street and 2nd Avenue.

Please note that for security purposes, a government issued photo ID is required

  1. to receive the special events ticket and
  2. to enter the United Nations compound. Early arrival before 8:00 am is recommended to ensure enough time for the mandatory airport standard security screening before entering the compound, and for timely arrival in the meeting room.

Media are welcome to cover the Mandela Peace Summit and to conduct press encounters, in accordance with the United Nations media accreditation procedure. The accreditation for the High-Level Meeting closes on 1 September 2018 .

The information on press encounters can be found at the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (MALU) website, under Media Alert . For any media inquiry other than accreditation, please contact the Office of the President of the General Assembly
(Ms Katharina Kandt at 917-367-6957 or email at kandt[at]un.org).

Regarding accreditation, media accompanying Heads of State or Government or Heads of Delegation, including official photo and video, must request media passes in advance through the eAccreditation system on the e-Delegate Portal .

Media members who wish to apply independently should follow the instructions here

All members of the media, with valid pass, will be escorted to designated media areas by MALU. Questions or concerns should be directed to MALU at malu[at]un.org or 212-963-6934.

Information on media arrangements during the high-level week can be found here


How does a delegation registers its speaker to the plenary meeting?

Delegations wishing to be inscribed on the list of speakers of plenary meetings of the General Assembly are kindly requested to do so through the  eDelegate Portal.

The list of speakers, to be opened a month in advance of the High-level meeting on 24 August, will be established in accordance with the rules of procedure and established practice of the Assembly.

How long is a speaker entitled to speak for at the plenary meeting?

To allow maximum participation, Member States are encouraged to limit their statements in the plenary meeting to 3 minutes for individual delegations and 5 minutes for statements made on behalf of a group of States .

What is the seating arrangement for the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit?

Member States and Observer States of the General Assembly and intergovernmental organizations will be seated according to the seating protocol of the 73rd session of the General Assembly.

There will be no rotational seats available in Section A for guests of the delegations during the Summit on 24 September 2018.

Non-governmental organizations that are in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council with valid UN grounds passes are invited to join the Summit on the 4th floor balcony of the General Assembly Hall . Depending on availability, overflow delegates wishing to observe the proceedings, may be accommodated on the 4th floor balcony.

Access to the 4th floor balcony for both NGOs and overflow delegates will require a special event ticket.

In addition, Conference Room 6 will serve as an overflow room with the meeting livestreamed. Interpretation will be provided only in English in Conference Room 6. Access to this room will also require a special event ticket.

I represent a non-governmental organisation, how can I attend?

or Non-governmental or other Stakeholders without valid UN grounds passes, the registration process has been completed.

Once the applicant has received a confirmation email, he or she should expect to receive a further email with details on time, date and location at which the special events ticket is to be collected.

With special events tickets, participants are allowed to enter the United Nations compound through the visitor entrance at 46th Street and 1 st Avenue one hour prior to the event, at the earliest. Due to security restrictions for the High-Level week of the General Assembly, access to the UN will be via the checkpoint at 45th Street and 2nd Avenue.

Please note that for security purposes, a government issued photo ID is required

  1. to receive the special events ticket and
  2. to enter the United Nations compound. Early arrival before 8:00 am is recommended to ensure enough time for the mandatory airport standard security screening before entering the compound, and for timely arrival in the meeting room.
Can I follow the meeting online?

Yes, absolutely. The Peace Summit, including the opening segment and the plenary meeting, will be officially live-streamed through United Nations webcast at http://webtv.un.org .

How can I submit a written statement?

Delegations wishing to circulate their statements are invited to submit PDF versions of their statements via email to papersmart[at]un.org no later than two hours in advance of delivery . The name of the meeting should be indicated in the subject line of the email and in the heading of the statement. The statements will remain embargoed until their delivery and then posted. Only statements presented during the course of the meeting will be posted.

I do not speak English, is interpretation available?

Statements made in any of the six official languages of the General Assembly are interpreted into the other official languages. Any speaker may also make a statement in a language other than the official languages.

In such cases, the delegation in question must provide either an interpreter from the non-official language into an official language, or a written text of the statement in one of the official languages to be read out by a United Nations interpreter. On the basis of this interpretation or the written text which is accepted by the Secretariat as representing the official text of the statement, it will be interpreted into the other official languages by United Nations interpreters.

When a written text is provided, the delegation concerned should make available to the interpreter someone who knows the language in which the statement is to be delivered and the official language into which it has been translated, to guide the interpreter through the translated text and to ensure synchronization between the speaker and the interpreter.

Detailed arrangements for interpretation from non-official languages, including access by non-United Nations interpreters to the interpreter booths in the General Assembly Hall, must be made in advance through the Meetings Management. The interpreter or the guide provided by the delegation should be brought by the delegation to the conference officers’ desk in front of the General Assembly Hall 30 minutes prior to the delivery of the statement .

How do I get access passes?

Access for official delegations to the General Assembly Hall for the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit will require a regular delegate’s pass plus a secondary access card . This secondary access card, issued by the Protocol and Liaison Service, is transferable amongst members of a delegation and is valid for the period of the high-level week from 24 September to 1 October 2018.

For that purpose, the Protocol and Liaison Service will issue two types of secondary access cards as follows:

  1. Every permanent mission will be issued six cards of one colour for access to the G eneral Assembly Hall and four cards of a different colour for access to the second floor of the General Assembly and Conference Buildings
  2. Each intergovernmental organization will be issued two colour-coded access cards  for access to the General Assembly Hall, and two cards of a different colour for access to the second floor of the General Assembly and Conference Buildings
  3. Each specialized agency will be issued one colour-coded access card for access to the General Assembly Hall; in addition, and two cards of a different colour for access to the second floor of the General Assembly and Conference Buildings

The secondary access card for the General Assembly Hall is valid for the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit on 24 September and the general debate of the 73rd session from 25 September to 1 October 2018.

These secondary access cards will be distributed by the Protocol and Liaison Service on Thursday, 20 September 2018 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm in Conference Room “B”. Thereafter, access cards may be collected in the Protocol Office at Room S-0200 during office hours.


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