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#Zblog title

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Zblog title
Zolog homepage/classification/content page title subtitle and other seo tags
 Zolog homepage/classification/content page title subtitle and other seo tags

The zblog templates produced by Tianxing Studio all come with basic seo configuration items, such as the most basic page customization TDK. But everyone has their own ideas about the order of these things or the calling content, so this article will explain in detail the role of each tag code in this part of the content. Users who need to modify it should check it. First of all, the code about TDK in the zblog template produced by Tianxing Studio is "zb_users/theme/you..."

course 2020-03-17 six thousand two hundred and sixty-seven 1 Comments

Zblog basic settings: zblog website address, title, subtitle, copyright setting instructions
 Zblog basic settings: zblog website address, title, subtitle, copyright setting instructions

In the previous section, we talked about the installation of zblog. After installing zblog, we need to set some basic parameters. In the background, there is a "Website Settings" button in the upper right corner. After you open it, there is a common setting item for zblog. This section introduces "Basic Settings". The figure above shows all the configuration items of the basic settings of zblog. Explain one by one:

Zblog settings 2020-02-20 five thousand one hundred and twenty-three 0 Comments

How to modify the zblog title? Site name+content name sorting

Many friends who use zblog for the first time may have this doubt, how to modify the title of the website's home page? How to change the title of the content page to article title+website name? This article will explain to you. Zblog is now divided into zblogasp version and zblogphp version, as follows: the title of zblogasp version is modified:

course 2014-08-06 fourteen thousand five hundred and ninety-five 8 Comments

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