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The wordpress database configuration file wp-config.php explains how to solve the problem of slow local wordpress installation

Tianxing Studio 2019-12-27 21:45 Wordpress Tutorial four thousand and seventeen 0 Comments

A wordpress program is installed on the local computer. The environment uses php studio, and the php version is 7.0. However, in the process of using, I found that the opening of the page was very slow.

At first, I thought that some services were blocked, but when tested in the online server environment, I didn't find this problem. Later, I remembered that this problem also occurred when Zblogphp was installed locally. The solution was to modify the database address in the database configuration file.

So I checked the database configuration file of WordPress, finally solved the problem, and shared the next process.

First, the database configuration file name of wordpress is "wp config. php", and the path is in the root directory.

Open the file as follows:


There are six items in the figure above, including database name, database user name, database password, database address, database code and database type from top to bottom.

What we need to modify is the database address. If WordPress is not specially configured, the default database address is "localhost", which causes slow page opening locally.

We just need to change "localhost" to "", save this file, and then open your wordpress website. Is it faster?

PS: Please do not modify the database configuration file after installing the program without special requirements. Remember to make a backup before modifying to avoid accidental data loss.

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