plug-in unit

  • Zblogphp plug-in: Tencent Cloud Object Storage COS

    Tencent cloud objects store COS, support remote images, and support uploading after adding watermarks. Users customize plug-ins. Users are required to put them on the shelf for free. Users are welcome to customize relevant plug-ins. Free download address: 1. Free 2. Instructions: z-blog blog program plug-in remote image storage plus watermark

    December 4, 2018
  • Zblogphp plug-in: a new feature plug-in for the article

    A new feature plug-in is added to the article to display a new list of feature articles for zblog to achieve multi classification of articles (1) support pseudo static and dynamic customization. (2) It is rewritten according to the system tag. (...

    September 14, 2018 Theme plug-in
  • Zblogphp plug-in: paint site map sitemap.xml

    Update 2022-1-23: (1) Baidu is fully supported; (2) Baidu does not support indexing sitemap files, so the plug-in is modified and all are split into xml files. (3) After setting the number of pages in the background, output the list of xml files directly. Please make sure that there are no more than 10, because Baidu can submit 10 files at most every day. Configuration page: 2020-07-08: Reminder, Baidu has stopped

    June 27, 2018
  • Zblogphp plug-in: star scoring plug-in

    There are at most four advantages of the scoring plug-in, including article scoring, comment scoring, and service scoring: for blog users, article scoring can get feedback from readers, so that the author can know what kind of articles are public

    January 9, 2018 Theme plug-in
  • Zblogphp plug-in: random article plug-in

    Random articles are presented on the page. Each click is different. (1) Random articles support MySQL and sqlite databases (2) Support random article classification and exclusion function. (3) You just need to create a new page and enter the ID of the page into the configuration page. (4) Copy the links of random articles in the configuration page, and you can put them elsewhere to jump to random articles. Purchase address: https://app.zblog...

    October 31, 2017
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