
  • Record DiskGenius hard disk copy (clone)

    Recently, the company needs to back up some important things, so the leadership plan is to copy the hard disk, so search online for methods to find hard disk copies. If ghost method is useful, DiskGeniu

  • Kingston 8g USB flash disk does not display in Windows 8.1

    Recently, the Kingston USB flash drive you bought didn't respond when you inserted it into Windows 8.1. The computer just didn't respond when you plugged it back and forth. In the device manager, there is information about the USB flash disk, but it is not displayed. Later, experiments found a way. Delete the USB flash disk information, uninstall it, then unplug the USB flash disk and re insert the USB flash disk. As shown in the figure:

    March 9, 2015
  • The colleague's computer cannot be reinstalled -- the installation screen cannot be accessed during the installation process

    Last night, my colleagues reported that they could not install the system on their computers, and they could not access the PE system if they installed half of it. Unable to enter the installation screen. So I went to have a look. I found many problems, hehe. Processing: First, after its computer bios self check, the USB keyboard and mouse cannot be powered, so enter the bios and change the disable of the USB keyboard and mouse power supply to enable. F10 Save. Restart it. Second: Press f when starting up

    July 27, 2014
  • The hard disk installation method of the original installation version Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition

    1、 Preliminary work: download the original image of Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition installation. Download nt6 hdd installer v3.0.8 (nt6 hard disk installation tool) at Download Bar. (Although win8 is not mentioned, it is still useful for win8) Download the universal network card version of the driver wizard, in case your system does not have a network card driver

    July 1, 2014
  • The error prompt when installing the original installation version of Windows 8.1 Windows cannot display the available installation image solutions

    Yesterday, I tried to install Windows 8.1. The biggest difference is the start menu. But after some settings, I still used the start menu of 8.1. Why can't new functions be difficult? Of course, there was a problem in the early stage of installation. You didn't install the secret key. You want to use the same way as Win7. Later activation and Win8 activation are before installation, so we need to do some work. We found the provider on the Internet

    July 1, 2014
  • A Choice in Security Software - 360? Jinshan? Or?

    In recent years, the security software used by my computer is 360 Security Guard and Kingsoft Poison Bully. At the beginning, the competition between the two was not fierce. At the beginning (2008), Kingsoft Poison Bully charged, and I felt good about using it. At that time, I thought that since it was charged, there would be charging benefits. Later, 360 got involved in a 360 antivirus campaign, and it was free. It revealed that Jinshan Poison Bully was free in Japan. Why? Not for people from other countries

    March 26, 2014
  • A way to deal with computer failure

    The computer didn't make a sound when it was turned on, but the fan was running, the work indicator light was also on, and the CD-ROM drive indicator light was also on, but the display screen didn't respond. I went online to find out what the problem might be. It might be the motherboard or the memory module, and how to solve it. I was lucky today. Solution: This is probably caused by the oxidation of the memory module. The solution is to open the chassis, unplug the memory module, wipe it with an eraser and alcohol, and then, by the way

    January 26, 2014
 customer service