plug-in unit

  • Zblogphp plug-in: Tencent Cloud Object Storage COS

    Tencent cloud objects store COS, support remote images, and support uploading after adding watermarks. Users customize plug-ins. Users are required to put them on the shelf for free. Users are welcome to customize relevant plug-ins. Free download address: 1. Free 2. Instructions: z-blog blog program plug-in remote image storage plus watermark

    December 4, 2018
  • Zblogphp plug-in: a new feature plug-in for the article

    A new feature plug-in is added to the article to display a new list of feature articles for zblog to achieve multi classification of articles (1) support pseudo static and dynamic customization. (2) It is rewritten according to the system tag. (...

    September 14, 2018 Theme plug-in
  • Zblogphp plug-in: Jing'an object storage

    Jing'an Fast Cloud object storage, 5G free for each user, and 30G super monthly traffic. The highlight of the plug-in is that the cloud storage used has free 30G traffic; No attachments will be stored locally, but the article content, pictures or attachments of custom fields will be saved in the cloud to truly save the site space and download address of the resource diagram configuration interface: https://app.zblogcn....

    April 28, 2018
  • Zblogphp plug-in: batch comment management

    Batch comment management, as its name implies, is to manage comments in batches, so no screenshots will be taken. In any case, the free content can be deleted without use. Enhance some functions on the basis of the original system: (1) Batch rename reviewer names. (2) Batch change comment content. (3) You can change the comment content individually, and the reviewer name (4) can write a preset name and content in the background, and you can update the content and name randomly during batch operation. Do this plugin

    April 28, 2018
  • Zblogphp plug-in: random article plug-in

    Random articles are presented on the page. Each click is different. (1) Random articles support MySQL and sqlite databases (2) Support random article classification and exclusion function. (3) You just need to create a new page and enter the ID of the page into the configuration page. (4) Copy the links of random articles in the configuration page, and you can put them elsewhere to jump to random articles. Purchase address: https://app.zblog...

    October 31, 2017
  • Zblogphp plug-in: search plug-in for ZblogPHP, which supports multiple keywords and list pagination

    Address for sale: Multi word search (1) supports multi word search (2) supports list pagination (3) This plug-in is configured with a search setting page. By default, multi keyword search is not enabled, and background configuration can be used. (4) This plug-in only matches the title by default. If you want to configure others in the background, it can be used. (5) This plug-in only marks the title in red, and does not mark the summary in red

    October 28, 2017
  • Batch article management plug-in for zblogphp

    Note: (1) Batch article management, as the name implies, is batch article management. (2) I usually use similar plug-ins. I saw that the plug-ins before the application center were taken off the shelf, so I just made one myself. To be convenient for oneself is to be convenient for others. (2) Free plug-ins. Don't accept after-sales service, welcome to customize plug-in theme. Thank you

    September 22, 2017
  • Zblogphp plug-in: article paging plug-in

    Article pagination plug-in. This plug-in only supports simple article pagination function, and the effect is like this article. Plug in purchase address:

    September 20, 2017 Theme plug-in
  • Zblogphp plug-in: Tuotu music wp_player for zblogphp has been updated

    Tudou Music wp_player for zblogphp has been updated, synchronized At the same time, WP Player supports Netease Cloud Music, Xiami Music, QQ Music, Baidu Music Platform, and the plug-in core has basically changed. So we suggest that you delete the original plug-in and then install this plug-in. Music

    July 31, 2017
  • Zblogphp configuration export import plug-in

    Zblogphp configuration export and import plug-in (1) This plug-in is suitable for developers. (2) Please make a backup before recovery. (3) When restoring, please select the config id of the restored configuration. no

  • Taobao customer API plug-in

    At the request of customers, this Taobaoke API plug-in was created. Its main function is to obtain commission links based on the existing Taobaoke API to generate effective income. The main functions are as follows: (1) Use the Taobao customer interface: the interface in the selection library, and use the Taobao gold component to generate revenue links. (2) The background fills in the relevant interface information, and the foreground controls the ID number of the selection library to click the commission link. Four are displayed in one line. (3) The plug-in is based on zblogphp 1

    March 23, 2017
  • JD Alliance API plug-in

    At the customer's request, we made this JD Alliance API plug-in, whose main function is to obtain commission links according to the existing JD Alliance API, so as to generate effective income. The main functions are as follows: (1) Use the JD interface: search for goods (Ping Search), obtain information about promoted goods, and customize the link conversion interface. (2) The background fills in the relevant interface information, and the foreground controls the keywords to achieve the click of the commission link. Four are displayed in one line. (3) Plug ins are based on zb

    March 23, 2017
  • Online registration plug-in

    At the request of the customer, the online registration plug-in was made, mainly to submit the data required by the user, so that the website can contact online users and find users easily. The main functions are as follows: (1) Front desk netizens (tourists) submit relevant data to the website. (2) You can view the data list in the background, search and view the desired data, and query according to blood type and other conditions. (3) The plug-in is developed based on zblogphp 1.5.1. The specific effect is as follows: (1): Front desk (2)

    March 20, 2017
  • Full page message plug-in for Tuotu enterprise customer service

    The full page message plug-in of Tutu enterprise customer service has been launched - charging plug-in. Tutu Enterprise Customer Service Full page Message Full page Customer

    January 4, 2017 Theme plug-in
  • Set category label author list page article display quantity plug-in separately

    Do a small plug-in when you have nothing to do. Set the category tag author list page article display quantity plug-in separately. You can set your article display quantity separately in these items. As you define, this plug-in is free. Please be sure to set the display quantity after enabling it. Other pages are similar. After setting the quantity, save it. Then go and see the effect. Download address:

    December 20, 2016
  • Specific users modify the friendship link module plug-in - customizable

    After the plug-in is set, only specific users can modify the content of the friendship link module. Note: (1) This plug-in can be sold with the consent of the customer, and friends who like it can contact me to buy it. (2) This plug-in is customized and can be modified into other content.  ...

    December 14, 2016
 customer service