
  • The font of tblog5 is not blurry, and the source font is better..

    It's better to have an unambiguous font, and look dizzy all the time. It's better to have the source font.., Let's talk about what articles I should post

    January 9, 2015
  • The station is back -- the filing is completed

    At 16:00 today, May 6, 2014, the website successfully registered and became a full member of the staff. Hehe, the space used by the website now is Alibaba Cloud's x3 space. From April 6 to the present May 6, the whole month, after the upgrade of the Administration Bureau, did not exceed the 21 days of the reservation. It was still smooth, and did not go through the repeated process of failure. I feel very lucky. It should be the strength of Alibaba Cloud's filing, hehe. In this month

    May 6, 2014
  • Love Life -- Wang Guozhen

    I used to see the sentences on the message board on Brother Lin Si's blog, and I felt very good. At that time, I had no idea to imitate them on the message board on my website. Today, Lin Si said that loving life is Wang Guozhen's poem. I searched online, and it's really true, hehe. It's a good and inspirational poem. I won't think about it... The following is the full text: Love life -- Wang Guozhen I don't want to think about whether I can succeed. Since I have chosen a distance, I only care about the trials and hardships. I don't want to think about whether I can win love

    March 30, 2014
  • It's a bit messy

    In recent days, I have been busy. For half a month, several sets of devices in the company have been shut down for maintenance, so I have a lot of work to do, and I am a little tired. I can't tell the difference between the main shift and the deputy shift. After a day's work, I went home to update an article. The half month update of xp boot failure is over. If there is one, it will be updated in the future. It is really boring to update for such a long time. It can also be regarded as a review. In the process of updating, I enjoyed the pleasure of the process, a little narcissistic, and almost no views

    March 25, 2014
 customer service