Mood essay

  • 2014 Tutuyan Blog Summary

    The year of 2014 has passed like this. I have felt very fast in this year. From knowing nothing in this year to knowing a little now, I have made some progress in copying some themes. The details are as follows: (1) Change the space to the host x3 of the World Wide Web, and then the record is successful. Convert the zblog asp to the zblog php version. You don't know anything anyway. Take the chance to learn php. (2) In February, we began to toss about the theme. The first theme is bin

    February 20, 2015
  • I removed an hp 541 laptop today

    Today, on June 28, 2014, the main shift was on duty all day. I helped my colleagues to remove an hp 541 laptop and dust it. To be honest, I felt a sense of achievement in the end. Although it took a lot of time to remove such a scattered laptop for the first time, it was very smooth at the beginning, but it was stuck when I removed the keyboard. It was said on the Internet that it could be removed by pulling it in the direction of the screen, But it still doesn't work. At last, it was observed that the ground in front of the keyboard was glued with double-sided adhesive tape

    June 28, 2014
  • Mood essay -- about interest

    I haven't updated it for several days. I've been very busy in recent days. I've been working for the people's class. In addition, I've recently started to learn how to make themes. In fact, it's a modification. Recently, the theme in bingo (a wp theme) is very good. Although it is basically similar to the framework of this site, it is also a learning process, hehe. It's hard for someone who doesn't know asp language and css to make a theme

    February 21, 2014
 customer service