• 2018 Summary

    In 2018, we came here unknowingly. Welcome to 2019, oh. It's over now. Here, I wish you a good old year. 2018 is busier than ever. Although it is hard, I am still happy. Now let's sum up what happened in 2018 and think about the next step. In terms of work, I worked hard to complete the work, improved my skills, had a deeper understanding of the structure and functions of ECS - 700, and completed the addition of the tank capacity calculation system

    February 25, 2019
  • 2017 Summary

    2017 – 365 days have passed like this, busy, go to work and get off work. Is it a little fast, as if it was yesterday. In terms of work, I have made great efforts to complete my own work, improved my skill level and strengthened my practical ability; However, there are still many shortcomings. We need to make progress, strive to submit our theoretical and practical abilities, strengthen the study of system configuration, and start from the overall situation, think actively rather than passively; Want to

    February 4, 2018
  • Merry Christmas, everyone

    Merry Christmas, everyone. Listen to Christmas songs. [player]...

    December 24, 2016
  • Music plug-in NetEase Music

    Another NetEase Music [player]

    December 6, 2016
  • Data migration from virtual host to ECS host

    I was visited maliciously the other day.. It was closed a few days ago, and I just didn't go to work today. I asked my friend for an ECS space to use. The specific migration record: because my friend had something to do in the morning, I continued to bother myself with the mysql database export and import plug-in, which was just used in the afternoon. Almost second recovery.. (Of course, the database is small, only about 5mb). This plug-in supports volume splitting recovery. Configure a new virtual host and a series of configurations.. Use... for the first time

    July 27, 2015
  • Set the mini relay mode of Xiaomi router to rub the network

    I'm exhausted after working all day. I originally wanted to play online at home, but when I got home, the network was useless. Call Telecom 10000 to prompt the regional equipment failure. What should I do? Go to ask the neighbor if there is a network. In the past, I asked if it was a mobile network. I originally wanted to use Xiaomi's mobile phone to surf the Internet when I got home. Later, I thought about how about using my mobile phone as a wireless source and sharing the Internet with USB. Ha ha. So I tried it, but.. The road connecting Xiaomi 1 to his home

    May 27, 2015
  • Later in the future.

    Share a song: In the future, I just want to listen to

    March 23, 2015
  • 2014 Tutuyan Blog Summary

    The year of 2014 has passed like this. I have felt very fast in this year. From knowing nothing in this year to knowing a little now, I have made some progress in copying some themes. The details are as follows: (1) Change the space to the host x3 of the World Wide Web, and then the record is successful. Convert the zblog asp to the zblog php version. You don't know anything anyway. Take the chance to learn php. (2) In February, we began to toss about the theme. The first theme is bin

    February 20, 2015
  • Huang Bo even sings songs. Listen to Go to Dali

    The night before yesterday, I saw the movie "Xinhua Lufang" starring Xu Zheng and Huang Bo. There was a song called "Go to Dali" in it. I heard it very well, but I didn't notice that it was really sung by Huang Bo.. Amazing, he also sings, hehe, support. Today I watched the introduction of "Go to Dali" on the Internet. It was originally created by Hao Yun and sung by Huang Bo in the film. It is worth affirming. You can listen to it. No suitable music link found,... Put down the lyrics as follows: Is it right for life

    October 25, 2014
  • I just want to write something.. informal essay

    Recently, I have been busy working on themes, which are imitations. I know a lot of meanings. Recently, I mainly focus on jQuery and function implementation. I have imitated many themes, and now I feel very simple. I say that simple functions are simple, but I really don't understand advanced things. I have read a lot about ajax, Do not know what that mean? So in learning. Of course, there is another problem that has puzzled me for a long time

    October 3, 2014
  • Half a month ago, I wrote a summary of the minor changes

    I have been playing in Suzhou and Nanjing for a long time for half a month, and finally returned home today. Although I haven't updated during this time, I haven't paid no attention to my own small station. There are many small partners who are paying attention to this station. I would like to express my thanks here. After coming back, I updated the following: adjusted the lower nesting and replied too far to the right - thanks for the advice of Damu Change comment output to reverse order output Added and adjusted the friendship links of some friends, such as Da Mou, Xuan Yaju and storytellers

    July 20, 2014
  • I removed an hp 541 laptop today

    Today, on June 28, 2014, the main shift was on duty all day. I helped my colleagues to remove an hp 541 laptop and dust it. To be honest, I felt a sense of achievement in the end. Although it took a lot of time to remove such a scattered laptop for the first time, it was very smooth at the beginning, but it was stuck when I removed the keyboard. It was said on the Internet that it could be removed by pulling it in the direction of the screen, But it still doesn't work. At last, it was observed that the ground in front of the keyboard was glued with double-sided adhesive tape

    June 28, 2014
  • See Baidu personality homepage has been revised

    Today, Baidu's personality homepage has been revised again. This time, the online website has a little personality: overall, it feels really good, but it's always a little uncomfortable. I'm not satisfied that the transparency of the middle part of Baidu is 20% of the starting point. Some words are really hard to see clearly, or it's uncomfortable to see. I suggest changing the transparency to the previous one, which is better than the navigation, news and music on the left. Hehe. This is just my wishful thinking, I feel my tone is different, hehe

    May 28, 2014
  • The station is back -- the filing is completed

    At 16:00 today, May 6, 2014, the website successfully registered and became a full member of the staff. Hehe, the space used by the website now is Alibaba Cloud's x3 space. From April 6 to the present May 6, the whole month, after the upgrade of the Administration Bureau, did not exceed the 21 days of the reservation. It was still smooth, and did not go through the repeated process of failure. I feel very lucky. It should be the strength of Alibaba Cloud's filing, hehe. In this month

    May 6, 2014
  • Sorry, let's say goodbye first. Our website will transfer to AliCloud Space

    Some time ago, I saw that Alibaba Cloud's x3 host was good, and later I got a space coupon. Moreover, because this website is almost not included by Baidu in China, it is only one page, which is also tragic. In another word: the site often fails to open. No response is given to the input of the domain name. It can only be refreshed for more than ten times. Isn't it depressing. So we choose to purchase an x3 AliCloud host of 68 yuan, but the host using it needs to be filed, and must be filed

    April 7, 2014
 customer service