• Emergency handling method for the failure of enabling Gzip compression in the background of zblogphp (Part 1)

    I have nothing to do today to help netizens (* * *) open Gzip compression. So I didn't see if the space supports Gzip, so I opened it hastily. After clicking, I regret it. It's all garbled. What should I do? Find the omnipotent Baidu. After searching, I found one, saying that it can be displayed normally by changing the database of the system of the zbp database. But I don't have a database account or password. What can I change.. So I

    March 19, 2015
  • Submit a bug that does not know whether it is a zblog php bug

    1. When you delete a general category with subcategories, the subcategory will not be displayed (without opening the error message prompt) after the deletion, and the articles of the subcategory are still in the article management, and the article categories (articles of the subcategory of the general category that was deleted just now) will be displayed. However, the category is not displayed in the category selection of each article. 2. Open any interface in the foreground (without opening the error message prompt), it will display

    February 6, 2015
  • Apache in the local PHP integrated environment cannot be started successfully (built by ComsenzEXP X2.5)

    Today, when I opened the local test website (the local operating system is win8.1), the web page was completely blank. After opening the browser several times, I still couldn't do it. Later, I thought it might be a problem with ComsenzEXP, so I opened the control center and found that Apache didn't start, so I tried to start it several times. It didn't work, or it didn't work. So I thought that the environment might be damaged, so I downloaded the program again, Install. Unexpectedly, the 80 terminal will be prompted during installation

    August 10, 2014
  • Reply to the friends of the fishing club

    Friends of the fishing agency, I have looked at the code of your website that cannot display drop-down navigation. Your website is not another problem. You still need to adjust the CSS. Some css need to be adjusted. I will change all the codes of your menu code to the following: # menu{     background:#A10000; height:42px;  ...

    June 21, 2014
  • How to handle code path errors when installing Typecho blog program

    Today, when installing the blog program Typecho and uploading it to the PHP local environment, I found the following code error when running the installation. It's very melancholy.. This is swelling.. The codes are as follows: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(..\..\p...

    March 4, 2014
  • (Resolved) Guess about the solution for bloggers who cannot visit a website normally

    (My guess is that the domain name of the Hosts file is bound to an IP address, which causes the input domain name to fail to access normally.) (It is confirmed by Boyou that it is indeed a host problem and has been successfully solved) Question: When I was reading my blog today, I received a help from a friend on a website. His question is as follows: A computer of a colleague in his company can't access a website normally. See the following website for specific problems: http://...

    February 9, 2014
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