The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to convey and implement the spirit of the National Organization Ministers' Meeting and the Senior Cadre Directors' Meeting, study and do a good job in local legislation

February 12, 2023 00:25:31 Source: - Xinjiang Daily

The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region held a meeting

Convey and implement the spirit of the National Organization Ministers' Meeting and the Senior Cadre Directors' Meeting, and study and do a good job in local legislation

Ma Xingrui Chairs the Meeting - Xinjiang Daily (reporter Wang Xingrui reported) The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region held a meeting on the morning of February 11 to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of the rule of law, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statements on party building and organizational work, veteran cadres' work, and other important instructions, and convey and study the spirit of the National Organization Ministers' Meeting and the National Senior Cadre Directors' Meeting, Study and implement the relevant requirements of the 28th National Local Legislative Work Forum, and study the implementation opinions of our district. Ma Xingrui, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, presided over the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that we should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on party building and organizational work, thoroughly implement the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era, conscientiously implement the spirit of the National Organization Ministers' Meeting, and promote all aspects of party building under the leadership of the party's political construction, We should guide Party members and cadres of all ethnic groups in the region to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", resolutely achieve the "two maintenance", adhere to the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and unswervingly move forward in the right direction guided by the General Secretary. We need to conscientiously implement the standards for good cadres in the new era and the "four special" standards for cadres in ethnic minority areas, optimize the selection and employment of cadres, improve the professional ability of cadres, focus on the construction of Xinjiang's "eight major industrial clusters" and the development needs of key industries, strengthen talent cultivation and recruitment, and strengthen the talent support for high-quality development. It is necessary to establish a clear direction of focusing on the grass-roots level, constantly enhance the political and organizational functions of the grass-roots party organizations, and mobilize the majority of party members and cadres in the region to strive to be the first in the new journey, make contributions, and strive to build a beautiful Xinjiang.

The meeting pointed out that we should carefully study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of veteran cadres, fully understand and accurately grasp the new requirements of the work of veteran cadres in the new era and new stage, maintain respect, devote love, do more practical things, do well in the work of veteran cadres, and promote the construction of the Party for retired cadres, play a role The service management and the self construction of the veteran cadres' work department will support the veteran cadres to continue to play their dominant role, better serve the reform, development and stability of Xinjiang, and contribute wisdom and strength to achieve the general goal of social stability and long-term stability.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, fully and accurately implement the Party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, comprehensively deepen the rule of law, constantly improve the working mechanism of scientific, democratic and legal legislation, focus on promoting fundamental, fundamental and long-term work related to long-term stability, strengthen social governance, national unity and religious harmony Legislation in key and emerging areas, such as high-quality economic development, cultural development of Xinjiang, and improving people's livelihood, will continue to improve the level of refinement and precision of legislation, and better play the role of the rule of law in consolidating the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and benefiting the long-term, so as to provide a solid legal guarantee for writing the chapter of Xinjiang in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

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[Editor in charge: Wang Rong]
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