Xinjiang legislates for rural roads, makes good use of farmers of all ethnic groups' road to prosperity and happiness

2024-05-30 23:39:37 Source: - Xinjiang Daily - Xinjiang Daily (reporter Zhang Lei reported) On May 30, the reporter learned from a press conference held by the General Office of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region that the Regulations of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Rural Roads (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were adopted at the 11th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th People's Congress of the Autonomous Region and came into force on July 1 this year.


At the press conference held by the General Office of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region. Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhang Lei

By the end of 2023, the total length of rural roads in Xinjiang will reach 155900 kilometers, and all towns and villages with qualified organizational systems will have 100% hardened roads. At the same time of rapid development of rural roads, problems such as unclear subject of responsibility, shortage of construction and maintenance funds, "reconstruction with light maintenance", insufficient maintenance capacity, imperfect operation services and village road legal system have become increasingly prominent. This time, the Regulations were issued to clarify and regulate the above issues.

At present, most rural roads in Xinjiang are village roads, but the current laws and regulations related to roads do not stipulate village roads. Li Yuehong, director of the Economic and Legislative Affairs Department of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region, introduced that the Regulations included village roads in the scope of rural roads, and made clear provisions on village road planning, construction, maintenance, management and operation, as well as legal responsibilities, filling the legislative gap of village roads.

The Regulations, in combination with the actual work in rural areas of the autonomous region, stipulate that the people's government at the county level is the main body responsible for the planning, construction, maintenance, management and operation of rural roads. At the same time, it stipulates that the construction of rural roads should save land and protect cultivated land. Reconstruction and expansion should make full use of existing roads and facilities. The transportation department of the people's government at the county level should establish a working mechanism, Strengthen the supervision and inspection of the quality and safety of rural road construction.

In view of the problems of "reconstruction and light maintenance" of rural roads and insufficient maintenance capacity, the Regulations define the corresponding maintenance responsibilities of county transportation departments, township people's governments, and villagers' committees, and stipulate that rural road maintenance should follow the principles of county based, hierarchical responsibility, public participation, and smooth traffic, and promote the marketization and specialization of rural road maintenance, At the same time, fully mobilize the villagers along the line to participate in the daily maintenance of rural roads.

As for rural road operation services, the Regulations stipulate that rural road operation shall adhere to the principles of government leadership, socialized operation, adaptation to local conditions, urban and rural integration, city leading countryside, passenger and freight development, and transportation and mail combination. In terms of fund guarantee, the Regulations clearly adhere to the principle of government financial input, make full use of the naming right, greening management right, advertising management right and other ways to raise funds through multiple channels, and encourage units and individuals to donate funds or participate in the construction and maintenance of rural roads by means of work relief.

"The Regulations provide legal guarantee for the high-quality development of Xinjiang's' four good rural roads', help promote the healthy and sustainable development of rural roads, meet the needs of the people's production and life, serve and support the rural revitalization strategy, and promote and guarantee the modernization of agriculture and rural areas." Li Yuehong said.

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[Editor in charge: Guligene Elken]
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