"I don't know the law. Can't the blockade be opened?"

2024-05-21 10:07:14 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily

 On May 16, the executive judge Tang Ming read the penalty decision to the person subjected to execution. png

On May 16, Tang Ming, the executive judge, read out the fine decision to the person subjected to execution. Photographed by Corrie Elken, the correspondent

Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily reporter Li Xuqun Correspondent Karage Elken

"I don't know the law. I think it's OK to block the investigation, but I don't know that this kind of behavior is illegal." On May 16, the people's court of Yining City fined him 2000 yuan according to law because he refused to perform his legal obligations, smashed the car lock, and drove away the vehicle detained by the people's court without authorization.

In the case of a contract dispute between a party applying for enforcement and a party being enforced, Mr. Li has not fulfilled his repayment obligations, so Mr. Fang was helpless to apply to the Yining People's Court for compulsory enforcement on January 13.

After accepting the case, Tang Ming, the executive judge, found a car under the name of Li, the person to be executed, and seized the car through online investigation. The court repeatedly notified Li to perform his repayment obligation at the court. Instead of actively solving the problem, Li smashed the car lock and drove away without authorization.

Since Mr. Li obstructed the normal execution of the case, Tang Ming immediately notified Mr. Li, the person to be executed, to accept judicial punishment in the court, and criticized and educated him. In view of the sincere attitude of Mr. Li, the person to be executed, actively raised money, fulfilled all repayment obligations, and paid a fine of 2000 yuan at the same time, the court comprehensively considered the specific situation of the case, In the end, no judicial detention measures were taken against the person subjected to execution, and the case was resolved accordingly.

The judge reminded:

The seal is a sign that the national law enforcement department seals up the articles that should be sealed up according to law. It has the function of publicity and restriction. Tearing the seal of the court without authorization is an act that obstructs the execution of the court, ranging from fine and detention to criminal accountability.

[Editor in charge: Ma Xinling]
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