The court's "lottery" propaganda against the high bride price and the new trend of marriage speaks to the hearts of the masses

2024-05-15 19:06:48 Source: - Xinjiang Daily - Xinjiang Daily reporter Yang Shuhan

"Your publicity is too timely. My neighbor's family is worried about the high bride price. After I go back, I will vigorously promote the boycott of the high bride price, so that young people can easily get married." On May 14, in Murituke Village, Shengjin Township, Gaochang District, Turpan City, just after listening to the lecture on French popularization, Oman Guri Musha, a quick talker, ran to her neighbor's house.

The People's Court of Tokson County, the Yila Lake People's Court, together with the Bostan Town Judicial Office, formed the "Court+Judicial Office" rule of law publicity team to carry out publicity activities related to the "sky high bride price" in the Bostan Village Committee. Tokson County People's Court

The betrothal gifts, originated from one of the "Six Rites" in the ancient marriage customs of China - lottery, is a traditional marriage custom. However, the high price of betrothal gifts will clearly mark the price of marriage, which is easy to arouse the mentality of comparison and corrupt the social atmosphere. In recent days, the police of the People's Court of Turpan have formed a publicity team to focus on the publicity campaign of high bride price litigation source governance, effectively prevent marriage and family disputes caused by high bride price, and let marriage begin with "love" and bride price belong to "ceremony".

"Tell me, if the marriage contract is dissolved, should this betrothal gift be returned?" On May 13, the meeting room of Murituke Village, Shengjin Township, Gaochang District was full. Bahadur Rehemann, the president of the Flaming Mountain People's Court of the People's Court of Gaochang District, combined with the case of property disputes involving betrothal gifts and marriage contract, took a fresh case to discuss the "scope of identification of betrothal gifts" concerned by villagers "Conditions for returning betrothal gifts" and other hot issues will be explained one by one.

At the same time, the Yila Lake People's Court of Tokson County People's Court, together with the Bostan Town Judicial Office, formed a "court+judicial office" rule of law publicity team to carry out publicity activities related to the "sky high bride price" in the Bostan Village Committee.

"It's all written above that the daily consumption expenditure of one party to express or enhance feelings is not betrothal gifts. Don't keep looking at children!" On the same day, when a villager was still struggling with the form of betrothal gifts, the judge's textbook explanation made him open.

Recently, Wulayin Simayi, a judge of Lukeqin People's Court of Shanshan County People's Court, also came to Liucheng Community of Lukeqin Town to explain legal issues related to betrothal gifts to the masses around laws and regulations such as the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Cases Involving Betrothal gifts Disputes, and in combination with cases.

"Don't ask for high price betrothal gifts, don't compare with others, don't waste money, marriage harmony and family harmony are the key to happiness." After listening to Wu Layin's explanation, the villager Wusiman Maimaiti stood up and spoke, winning warm applause from everyone.

In the next step, the courts at the two levels of Turpan City will solidly promote the source of litigation governance, actively integrate into the social governance pattern, fully extend the trial function, carry out various forms of law popularization publicity activities in the key areas of changing customs in rural areas such as high-value bride price, guide the masses to establish a correct concept of bride price, and consciously resist high-value bride price, Let the new fashion of modern civilized marriage really enter into every family.

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[Editor in charge: Dimuna Wusi Erhan]
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