Joint law enforcement and rectification of road occupation management

2024-04-17 10:01:42 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily - Xinjiang Rule of Law News (reporter Shan Kun reported) Recently, the People's Government of Anningqu Town, Urumqi High tech Zone (new urban area), in conjunction with Anningqu Squadron, Traffic Police Detachment High tech Zone (new urban area) Corps, Urumqi High tech Zone (new urban area), Anningqu Town Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team and other departments of Urumqi High tech Zone (new urban area) Concentrated rectification actions were carried out for illegal behaviors of road operation in Ninghang No. 1 Road and other sections.

Ou Jianliang, the instructor of Anningqu Squadron of the Traffic Police Detachment of Urumqi Public Security Bureau in the High tech Zone (New Urban Area), criticized and educated the mobile traders who operated on the street at Beichen 1st Street, Beijing North Road, S114 Exit, Beijing North Road. - Photographed by Shan Kun, reporter of Xinjiang Legal Daily

During this period, law enforcement personnel were divided into points and sections to rectify the centralized road sections for road occupation, educate the shopkeepers and mobile traders for road occupation, publicize relevant laws and regulations, and together with the traders, dismantle the tents set up privately, carry tables and stools, and clean up garbage. Through centralized joint rectification, mobile traders were promoted to operate in a standardized manner.

Ou Jianliang, the instructor of Anningqu Squadron of the Traffic Police Detachment of Urumqi Public Security Bureau in the High tech Zone (New Urban Area), criticized and educated the mobile traders who operated on the street at Beichen 1st Street, Beijing North Road, S114 Exit, Beijing North Road. - Photographed by Shan Kun, reporter of Xinjiang Legal Daily

At the same time, the police pay attention to the traffic safety publicity and education of mobile vendors, guide them to recognize the dangers of road occupation from the ideological source, reduce their resistance to law enforcement, consciously resist traffic violations, and jointly create a social atmosphere of safe travel and civilized traffic.

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[Editor in charge: Fan Guobin]
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