Beating the drum to urge the levy to start | How to do the NPC's supervision and judicial work this year? There are answers in this forum

2024-03-01 19:58:15 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily

Meeting site. Drawings provided by the interviewee - Xinjiang Legal Daily (reporter Zhang Xiu, correspondent Dao Lina and Zhang Bin reported) On February 27-28, the forum and training class on supervision and judicial work of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region was held in Changji City.

At the meeting, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Urumqi City, Karamay City, Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture and Tiemenguan City made exchange speeches.

In order to continue to promote the high-quality development of supervision and judicial work in the new era, since 2022, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture has explored to carry out case evaluation on the two courts of justice and procuratorial organs, and the evaluation legal expert group has compared the evaluation and formed the evaluation opinion report from eight aspects, including the same judgment of similar cases.

In 2024, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture plans to formulate the state case evaluation methods to promote the normalization of judicial case evaluation. At the same time, we will focus on investigating the implementation of the Measures of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Autonomous Prefecture on Grass roots Legislative Contact Points, and promote the expansion of legislative contact points from participation in legislation to supervision and enforcement of the law, promotion of law-abiding, and publicity of the law; Carry out work review and thematic inquiry on two departments including Changji Prefecture Public Security Bureau to further enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of supervision.

The Standing Committee of Urumqi Municipal People's Congress attaches great importance to the work of deputies, pays attention to the role of deputies, strengthens all-round, multi-level and three-dimensional communication with deputies to the People's Congress, adheres to the close connection between research and inspection activities and "family stations", and organizes functional departments such as the public security, procuratorial and judicial departments to listen to the opinions of the masses at the family stations of deputies to the People's Congress, so as to better play the role of "family stations".

The Standing Committee of Karamay Municipal People's Congress plans to carry out law enforcement inspection on the implementation of the Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China by the government throughout the year, carry out special research on the work of the supervisory authorities to rectify the unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses, and carry out special inspection on the development of the court's administrative trial work, so as to promote the rule of law in Karamay through practical and effective supervision.

The Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture plans to make regular use of special inquiry and supervision methods, listen to and review reports on the completion of government business environment and environmental protection goals and tasks, listen to and review reports on the implementation of laws and regulations and work of the supervision commission, courts and procuratorates, and increase special inquiry and tracking supervision.

The Standing Committee of Tiemenguan Municipal People's Congress plans to increase the cooperation with the Standing Committee of Bazhou People's Congress in coordinating legislation, improve and perfect the mechanism for coordinating legislation and supervision, carry out joint law enforcement inspection with Bazhou People's Congress on the protection of water resources in the Bosten Lake basin, and hold a special inquiry meeting to gather the force of law based on military and local integration.

Everyone expressed that they would further strengthen political guidance, adhere to the problem orientation, improve the quality and efficiency of legislation, innovate methods, and use wisdom and strength to enhance the effectiveness of work.

"We should firmly grasp the overall requirements of the NPC's supervision and judicial work, adhere to the principles of integrity, innovation, progress in stability, and high-quality development, constantly deepen the understanding of the laws of the NPC's supervision and judicial work in the new era, further broaden our thinking and enhance vitality, ensure the overall coordinated progress of legislation, supervision, and representation, and promote the NPC's supervision and judicial work to achieve new results." Wang He, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the autonomous region, said that the supervisory and judicial departments of the People's Congress should actively serve the overall situation of reform, development and stability in the autonomous region, closely focus on the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the Party's Xinjiang governance strategy in the new era, benchmark the basic positioning, central tasks and objectives of the work of the People's Congress, and do a good job in the supervision and judicial work of the People's Congress with high quality, To make new contributions to Xinjiang's practice of Chinese style modernization.

During the meeting, a symposium of NPC deputies was also held, and three NPC deputies made speeches in combination with the performance of supervision and judicial work.

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[Editor in charge: Yu Hongju]
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