This year, the "iron fist" action in Xinjiang's people's livelihood field severely investigated 12 types of illegal acts

2024-02-26 15:04:48 Source: - Xinjiang Daily - Xinjiang Daily (reporter Ren Hua reported) On February 26, reporters learned from the Market Supervision Administration of the Autonomous Region that this year, the "iron fist" action in the investigation and handling of cases in the area of people's livelihood in our region focused on "protecting people's livelihood", highlighted the two themes of "security" and "anti fraud", hit 12 types of illegal acts, continued to standardize market order, and optimized the consumption environment, Safeguard the vital interests of the people.

According to reports, these 12 types of illegal acts include 11 "required actions", namely, strictly investigate and deal with illegal acts such as fake gas stoves, electric bicycles, children's toys, etc; Focus on functional foods such as analgesic and sleeping, and crack down on illegal addition of drugs and their derivatives; Illegal production and use of small boilers; Investigate and deal with the illegal acts of issuing false or false inspection and detection reports in product quality and food safety inspection and detection activities involving personal and property safety; Investigate and deal with fuel dispenser metering cheating, using unfair format terms to infringe consumer rights, trademark infringement, forgery or fraudulent use of geographical indications, price fraud, false illegal advertising and other illegal acts. In addition, there is one "optional action", namely school food safety.

The relevant person in charge of the market supervision bureau of the autonomous region introduced that the "iron fist action" will strictly grasp the administrative discretion and adhere to the principle of "combining punishment with leniency". Those who seriously infringe upon the interests of the masses, break the moral bottom line and cause serious consequences should be severely punished and refused to tolerate; If the circumstances are minor, no harmful consequences are caused, or the hazards are actively eliminated or mitigated, the punishment shall be mitigated or exempted according to law, and the phenomenon of "minor and severe punishment", "one size fits all" and "punishment instead of management" shall be resolutely eradicated.

The market supervision department of the autonomous region will also use intelligent supervision means, play the role of 12315 platform, collect illegal clues in many ways, and improve the ability to detect, screen, mine and precisely attack illegal acts. At the same time, we will strengthen the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, transfer suspected criminal cases according to regulations, and put an end to "replacing punishment with punishment". For major and complex cases, if necessary, ask the judicial authorities to intervene in advance, carry out joint investigation and joint office, and intensify the fight against illegal acts. For the cases investigated and dealt with, we will fully demonstrate the effectiveness of case investigation by means of centralized exposure of typical cases, and continue to release warning and deterrent effects.

The market supervision department of the autonomous region will also rely on the national enterprise credit information publicity system to publicize administrative punishment information according to law and strengthen social supervision over illegal enterprises. We will promote the interconnection and sharing of credit information such as the list of serious violations and dishonesty, and the parties involved in the "Iron Fist" action who are bad in nature, serious in circumstances, seriously harmful to society, and subject to serious administrative penalties will be included in the abnormal list and publicized to the public.

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[Editor in charge: Wang Rong]
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