Improve the awareness of fraud prevention and keep children's "lucky money"

2024-02-22 14:20:50 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily


Activity site. Photographed by correspondent Zhang Jingxia - Xinjiang Legal Daily (reporter Li Xuqun, correspondent Zhang Jingxia reported) "How do you keep your New Year's money and pocket money?"“ As long as we do not persist in being deceived and credulous... we will not be deceived. On February 17, the police of Yilihe Road Police Station of Yining Public Security Bureau went into Bayikuoqia Community, Yilihe Street, and gave the children a vivid propaganda lesson on anti fraud of telecommunications network in the way of "teaching+games".


Activity site. Photographed by correspondent Zhang Jingxia

It is the happiest thing for children to receive lucky money, but minors lack awareness of prevention, and "lucky money" can easily become the target of criminals. In combination with real cases, the institute introduced many common fraud cases to children in detail, such as "lottery fraud", "recharge fraud", "fake public security fraud", and told children how to identify and prevent.

The children listened carefully and kept raising their doubts to the police. The police also use easy to understand words to guide children to keep "New Year's money".

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[Editor in charge: Jiang Lan]
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