Interview on the Rule of Law | Be a Good "Shop Waiter" in Judicial Service

2024-01-24 12:02:23 Source: - Xinjiang Daily

Guest: Xia Hailaiti Barati, President of Naomao Lake People's Court of Yiwu County People's Court, Hami City

Host: - Xinjiang Daily reporter Yang Shuhan

There is a "heavyweight" industrial park in Naomaohu Town, Yiwu County, Hami City, which is the largest origin and main production area of late maturing Hami melon in China, as well as one of the three remaining populus euphratica forests in the world. In this issue of rule of law interview, the reporter invited Xia Hailaiti Barati, President of Naomaohu People's Court of Yiwu County People's Court in Hami City, to introduce how the People's Court serves the business environment and helps social development.

   Q: There are many migrant workers in the industrial park, and conflicts and disputes are concentrated. How can the court serve as a judicial "waiter" to optimize the business environment?

  Answer: Yiwu County Industrial Park is an autonomous region level industrial park. There are 58 enterprises in the park and 15000 employees. We have in-depth discussions with enterprises to understand the judicial needs in a timely manner. We focus on resolving conflicts and disputes in the park, carry out the activity of "sending the law to enterprises", actively put forward judicial suggestions to enterprises, and help enterprises in the park to check loopholes and prevent risks.

Since 2023, the courts have accepted 172 cases involving small and micro enterprises. The court set up a "green channel" for litigation in enterprises, and formulated working systems such as door-to-door case filing and full-time circuit hearing to reduce the burden of litigation.

   Q: The "sweet melon village" also has sweet troubles. Every year, in the mature season of Hami melon, melon merchants and farmers across the country are swarming with production and marketing disputes. How can the court resolve such disputes?

   Answer: We persist in handling cases at the place where the case was committed, at rural fairs and in the field, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of planting and breeding enterprises, farmers and professional cooperative economic organizations in accordance with the law.

In August last year, the melon farmer A and the melon merchant Deng signed a contract for the purchase of 64 mu of Hami melon, agreeing that the purchase price of each mu of melon would be 3900 yuan. During the inspection, Deng found that some melon fields were dead due to the poor management of A, and they disagreed on the purchase price. The judge rushed to the scene to listen to the appeals of both parties, check the dead seedlings in the melon field, patiently and carefully explain the law and reason, and both parties made concessions and lowered the originally agreed price. Deng Mou purchased all 64 mu Hami melons, and the losses of both parties were minimized. In 2023, we mediated 15 disputes over Hami melon sales contracts, involving more than 1.8 million yuan.

  Q: Yiwu Populus Euphratica Forest Scenic Spot has attracted tourists from all over the country. How does the court solve the "travel worries" for tourists?

   Answer: In May 2020, we established Naomao Lake Tourism Circuit Court in Yiwu Populus Euphratica Forest Scenic Area to standardize the process of handling travel related cases, and arrange judges to be on duty 24 hours a day during the peak tourist season to provide judicial services. The court will organically combine the itinerant handling of cases with the publicity of the rule of law, move forward the judicial service port, and timely prevent and resolve conflicts and disputes.

Last year, we carried out rule of law publicity and legal consultation for many times, introduced the work content of the tourism circuit court, tourism legal knowledge and legal provisions for safeguarding rights according to law to tourists in detail, and set up a tourism itinerary information desk according to the number of tourists and actual needs to answer the consultation and publicity laws. Under such a rule of law atmosphere, there were no tourism conflicts and disputes in the scenic area throughout the year.

  Q: How does Naomaohu Tribunal give full play to the advantages of people's courts to serve the grassroots?

   Answer: The Naomaohu Tribunal, based on the construction of "safe villages and towns", actively participated in the grass-roots social governance work, insisted on solving practical problems for the masses, promoted the resolution of the source of conflicts and disputes with the source of litigation governance, actively developed the "Maple Bridge experience" in the new era, deeply promoted people's mediation, judicial mediation, administrative mediation, etc., effectively resolved conflicts and disputes, and repaired social relations, Open up the "last mile" of judicial services and broaden the way of grass-roots governance.

We also promoted the construction of a joint governance system at the front end of county governance, played the role of trade unions, women's federations and other departments, and further promoted the governance of litigation sources; Actively explore the connection between the work in the village and the work of the people's court, work together to resolve conflicts and disputes, improve and modify village rules and regulations, strengthen the concept of rule of law of the "two committees" of the village, and ensure that grass-roots governance is carried out in accordance with the law; We will strengthen joint efforts with towns, villages and local police stations, organize a dense judicial service network at the grass-roots level, enhance the public's awareness of learning, abiding by and using the law, and help build a safe countryside.

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[Editor in charge: Subinur Alken]
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