Pishan County: "People's mediation+judicial confirmation" to explore the new password of "harmony and dispute resolution"

2023-12-19 15:07:32 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily

On December 9, the mediator of Pishan County Public Legal Service Center mediated the dispute for the parties. Drawings provided by the interviewee

Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily reporter Zhang Lei Correspondent Li Haopin

On December 8, Li Hui (not his real name) walked out of the Public Legal Service Center of Pishan County with a relaxed pace. He held a civil verdict in his hand and said to himself, "With this civil verdict, I will feel at ease."

This is a dispute successfully resolved by Pishan County Public Legal Service Center through "people's mediation+judicial confirmation".

Since this year, the Judicial Bureau of Pishan County has continuously innovated the mediation model, made real contributions to the investigation and prevention of contradictions and disputes, made practical moves in mediation and resolution, established the mechanism of "court (court) office (judicial office) linkage", and implemented the rapid mediation model of "people's mediation+judicial confirmation", which has solved a large number of contradictions and disputes among the masses. At the same time, the people's mediation committees at the two levels in the countryside give full play to the basic role of people's mediation and resolve simple disputes immediately; General contradictions and disputes shall be resolved through "people's mediation+judicial confirmation" quick mediation; For major, difficult and complex disputes, the county and township (sub district) levels have established social conflict and dispute mediation and resolution centers, and the "three mediation linkage" approach has been adopted to resolve them together, striving to achieve "one place at most" for conflict and dispute resolution.

On December 7, Li Hui and his co-workers came to the Public Legal Service Center of Pishan County to ask the staff: "Our 110000 yuan salary has been in arrears for two years, and the boss has not paid it. Is there a better solution?"

The staff learned that from February to November 2021, Li Hui and his co-workers worked in a company in Pishan County, and the company owed them 110000 yuan in salary. After the completion of the project, Zhang, the boss of the company, said that he had no money and wrote an IOU to them. Two years later, Li Hui and his co-workers failed to ask for wages, so they came to the Public Legal Service Center for help.

Because the dispute is simple and the facts are clear, the staff introduced the characteristics and advantages of the "people's mediation+judicial confirmation" rapid mediation model, and informed both parties of the legal effect of the judicial confirmation ruling. When one party fails to perform its obligations, the other party can apply to the court for enforcement.

The staff of the Public Legal Service Center also contacted Mr. Zhang by telephone, and he also agreed to solve the problem through mediation.

The staff also contacted the People's Mediation Committee in the new urban area of Pishan County and the People's Court of Pishan County. The mediators quickly arrived at the scene for mediation, and finally the two parties reached a mediation agreement. Mr. Zhang paid Li Hui and his co-workers 110000 yuan of wages before December 30. The court judicially confirmed the mediation agreement, and the dispute was successfully resolved.

At the beginning of November, the People's Mediation Committee of Town Neighborhood in Pishan County and the People's Mediation Committee of Medical Disputes in Pishan County jointly mediated a medical dispute and conducted judicial confirmation on the spot.

In June 2020, A was treated in a hospital in Pishan County due to a traffic accident. The hospital made mistakes in the treatment process, resulting in the impairment of A's left eye vision. A Mou came to the people's mediation committee of the urban street to apply for mediation and claimed compensation from the hospital.

Mediators Zhang Kejun and Gulietiger Eli immediately went to the hospital to learn about the situation, and invited the mediators of the People's Mediation Committee for Medical Disputes in Pishan County to participate in the mediation.

Maimaitimin Yusupu, the mediator of the People's Mediation Committee for Medical Disputes in Pishan County, read out the laws and regulations related to medical accident compensation to A and the hospital. According to the appraisal report of the Material Evidence Appraisal Institute of the Hotan Public Security Bureau, A's treatment cases and other evidence, it proved that the hospital did have errors.

After mediation, the hospital agreed to pay the compensation fees of A in a lump sum. The two parties signed an agreement and applied for judicial confirmation. The case was closed.

At present, people's mediation has become the first choice for people in Pishan County to resolve conflicts and disputes. Up to now, Pishan County has established 246 people's mediation committees at the county and township levels, selected 1701 mediators, investigated and settled 6284 disputes, including 1571 judicial confirmation.

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[Editor in charge: Ma Xinling]
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