Not conforming to the conditions of judicial assistance, social assistance will help!

2023-12-19 14:21:17 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily

Ba Mou received the relief fund sent by the caring enterprise. Drawings provided by the interviewee - Xinjiang Legal Daily News (reporter Zhang Xiu, correspondent Feng Ying and Zhang Junjiao reported) On December 18, the staff of the People's Procuratorate of Yumin County and an enterprise representative sent 1000 yuan of relief money to the recipient Ba.

Ba Mou was the victim of a fraud case. In July this year, Ba Mou applied to the procuratorate for national judicial relief on the grounds of his family's financial difficulties. After receiving the application according to law, the People's Procuratorate of Yumin County carried out clue verification in a timely manner.

The hospital found that the applicant, Mr. Ba, was divorced and three children lived with him. The eldest daughter has just turned 18 this year and has no fixed job. The other two children are students of compulsory education. In order to take care of his children's schooling, Mr. Ba rented a house in the county seat and was unable to work outside. Mr. Ba's ex husband has no fixed source of income, and it is difficult for him to live with his children.

The case handling prosecutor found that the amount of property loss of Mr. Ba did not meet the national judicial relief standards and did not meet the national judicial relief conditions.

In order to help a family in Pakistan, the People's Procuratorate of Yumin County actively sought relief funds from caring enterprises. After learning about a family in Pakistan, a caring enterprise decided to donate 1000 yuan to a family in Pakistan. At the same time, in order to expand the relief channels, the hospital transferred the basic information of a family in Pakistan as a clue to the Yumin County Civil Affairs Bureau and the Yumin County Women's Federation.

"Our hospital will adhere to the principle of" rescue as soon as possible ", actively perform its duties, innovate the working mechanism of judicial assistance, improve the quality and efficiency of judicial assistance, and help the rescued people out of their predicament through multiple angles, channels and measures. At the same time, we will encourage social subjects such as caring enterprises to actively participate in judicial assistance," said the person in charge of the case.

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[Editor in charge: Ma Xinling]
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