Suspicion of neighbors riding cars to vent their anger? In fact that was not the case.

2023-12-19 09:28:56 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily

Painted by Li Jiliang - reporter of Xinjiang Legal Daily Gong Yanchen Correspondent Li Jiaya

On December 15, Mr. Li, a resident of a community in Xingfu Tun Community, Huanwei Road Street, Shaibak District, Urumqi, finished repairing the scratches on the car body, and he again apologized to his neighbor Mr. Hu.

It starts with a case of a vehicle being zoned more than a month ago.

On November 2, Dong Zhengwei, who was working, received a phone call from Mr. Hu, a resident of the district: "Officer Dong, I was wronged by the upstairs resident. You have to help me."

"These two families again?" thought Dong Zhengwei.

Mr. Hu and Mr. Li, who live on the second floor of a community under the jurisdiction of the Huanwei Road Police Station, have been neighbors for many years. At the beginning of October this year, the two families had many disputes over the noise problem. Mr. Hu reported that Mr. Li's family often made noise, which affected his life. Mr. Li said that children playing at home would inevitably produce some noise, and both sides would not give in to each other.

At that time, Dong Zhengwei served as a police officer in Xingfu Tun Police District of Huanwei Road Police Station. He persuaded both sides from the perspective of neighborhood relations.

Although there is no conflict due to this, the knot in the hearts of the two families has not been solved.

On the same day, when Mr. Li went out to work, he found that his car parked downstairs had been scratched with a sharp weapon for about 5 to 6 cm, exposing the primer.

"My car was marked just a week after I bought it, and the parking position did not affect others, so someone must have deliberately done it." Mr. Li was very angry. Thinking of the recent conflict with Mr. Hu, he suspected that Mr. Hu was responsible for it, so he called his family to ask for explanations.

"I'm really 'when people sit at home, the pot comes from the sky'." Mr. Hu felt very aggrieved.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt wronged. He contacted Dong Zhengwei.

Dong Zhengwei rushed to the scene and recorded in detail the location and time of Mr. Li's car parking, and then invited Mr. Hu out. "I have known everything and investigated the scene. We will find out the truth as soon as possible and give you a reply. Before that, you don't have any conflict, can you do it?" They nodded and agreed.

After returning to the police station, Dong Zhengwei reported the situation. Li Jianfu, the leader of the case handling team, believes that finding out the truth of the vehicle being zoned is the key to resolving the conflict between the two families.

So Dong Zhengwei, Li Jianfu and the other two policemen immediately started their work.

Through the investigation of the accident site and surrounding areas, the police learned that before the vehicle was scratched, a delivery boy had parked the battery car near Mr. Li's car, and when leaving, the delivery box crossed Mr. Li's car, causing the vehicle to be scratched.

The police found the delivery boy and found a scratch on the delivery box of his battery car. The delivery boy was very sorry and immediately said that he would pay Mr. Li for the repair costs.

Later, Dong Zhengwei invited Mr. Hu and Mr. Li to the police station and informed them of the investigation results.

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have wronged you without evidence." After learning the truth, Mr. Li apologized to Mr. Hu, and the two shook hands.

On November 12, Mr. Hu sent the banner to the police. "Thank you for finding out the truth in time and returning my innocence," Mr. Hu said.

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[Editor in charge: Fan Guobin]
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