"Maple Bridge Experience" in the New Era More than 70000 "peacemakers" in Xinjiang specialize in understanding the "problems" of the masses

2023-12-13 10:46:09 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily

Ma Guoren shook hands with the party after mediation. Drawings provided by the interviewee

Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily reporter Zhang Lei, correspondent Niu Manshe

If there are disputes, troubles and opinions, who should we talk to? Who will mediate?

Don't worry. This question is answered by 70143 people's mediators distributed all over Xinjiang. People affectionately call them "peacemakers".

On December 10, in the mediation room of the People's Mediation Committee of Oibag Community, Sizi Street, Moyu County, Uhalissa Bakr combed the causes of the dispute and quickly resolved the "knot" between Yamou and Maimou.

Uhalinisa is the people's mediator of Oibag Community in Sizi Street, and she is also one of more than 70000 "peacemakers".

In the early morning of the same day, Yamou and Maimou found Uhalinisa for help because of a loan dispute. Yamou and Maimou are friends. In October 2017, Maimou borrowed 34600 yuan from Yamou, wrote an IOU, signed a repayment agreement, and agreed to repay the loan before October 2019. But after the loan was due, Yamou asked Maimou for money many times, and he didn't pay back the money with various excuses.

After understanding the situation, Uhalinisa explained from the perspective of emotion, reason and law through patient mediation. Finally, Mr. Mai realized his mistake and paid Mr. Ya 4000 yuan on site. The remaining 30600 yuan was agreed to be paid off before March 2024. Both parties signed a mediation agreement and made judicial confirmation.

"The" Fengqiao Experience "of mobilizing and relying on the masses, insisting on not handing over contradictions and solving them on the spot is the first law of solving grass-roots conflicts and disputes in Fengqiao Town, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province in the 1960s. Its essence is to" follow the mass line ".

In recent years, the judicial administration system of our district has deeply integrated people's mediation with the practice of the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era. 13936 people's mediation committees, 70143 people's mediators, and 851 mediation rooms have resolved the troubles of the masses at home, and improved the happiness of the masses.

Nowadays, in Xinjiang, no matter in urban or rural areas, people's conflicts and disputes, residents' demands for life, and neighborhood issues are mostly collected, coordinated and resolved by "peacemakers". By focusing on the village (community), the "smallest unit" of grass-roots social governance, Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture has set up grid members to join the people's mediation team, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture has set up the people's mediation team of "field land", Tacheng District has actively promoted the establishment of "mediation rooms for farmers and herdsmen" in villages (communities), and a number of "mediation brands" with local characteristics, Constantly enrich the connotation of "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era.

One day in early November, in the "Lao Ma Mediation Room" of Wenhua Road Community, Jinshan Road Street, Altay City, residents Nu and Dong held the hand of the people's mediator Ma Guoren and kept thanking them. A few days ago, Numou and Dong found Ma Guoren to preside over a fair dispute over renting a house. Their fair and just mediation convinced them.

In March this year, Numou rented Dong's house for work and paid the rent for the whole year in a lump sum. Later, due to various reasons, Nu withdrew from the lease in advance and asked Dong to return the balance of the lease term of 3600 yuan. After repeated reminders, Dong has not refunded. So Numou went to Malaysia to help mediate. Ma Guoren contacted Dong and learned that the reason for the non refund was that Nu damaged some items in the house. After Ma Guoren's patient mediation, Dong promised to return the remaining amount to Nu after deducting the discount of 800 yuan for the damaged items. On October 30, after both parties signed the mediation agreement, Dong returned 2800 yuan to Numou on the spot.

In Wenhua Road Community, residents like to come to "Laoma Mediation Room" to chat when they have conflicts and disputes.

The "Lao Ma Mediation Room" was established in November 2020. Ma Guo, a retired cadre from a unit in Altay, served as a full-time mediator, and organically combined with the functions of the "Liaison Station of National People's Congress" to carry out mediation of social conflicts and disputes, rule of law publicity, legal advice and other work. The mediation content includes marriage and family, neighborhood disputes, labor disputes, damage compensation and other types of disputes. Up to now, the "Lao Ma Mediation Room" has mediated more than 400 conflicts and disputes, with a success rate of more than 98%.

At the same time, the "peacemaker" has also extended to industrial and professional departments, and the establishment of dispute mediation committees for finance, medical care, transportation, property, commerce, construction and other disputes has realized the "vertical to the end, horizontal to the edge" mediation organization network, and built the first line of defense to maintain stability.

The debt dispute with the insurance company was solved without legal fees and attorney fees, which made the self-employed Lili (not her real name) in Changji experience the efficiency of the Financial Dispute Diversified Resolution Center (People's Mediation Committee) in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture.

In 2019, Lili opened a clothing store with a loan. Due to problems in operation for various reasons, only 20000 yuan was repaid from the 96000 yuan of the policy loan. When the loan contract expired, the insurance company repaid 70000 yuan on behalf. Before accepting mediation, Lili should pay the insurance company more than 70000 yuan and the liquidated damages more than 50000 yuan.

Under the mediation of the people's mediators of Changji Financial Dispute Diversified Resolution Center (People's Mediation Committee), the insurance company agreed to reduce or exempt Lili's liquidated damages of more than 50000 yuan and loan principal of more than 70000 yuan, and repay them within one year after the mediation agreement is reached.

Changji Prefecture Financial Dispute Diversified Resolution Center (People's Mediation Committee) was established in April 2020 by the Central Sub branch of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture of the People's Bank of China in cooperation with judicial, judicial administration and other departments. It is the first "one-stop" financial dispute diversified resolution center (People's Mediation Committee) in Xinjiang, achieving full coverage of five counties and two cities. This is an innovative measure to comprehensively optimize the legalized business environment and a vivid practice of the extension of the "Maple Bridge experience" in the financial field in the new era.

From January to November this year, our district accepted 228253 people's mediation cases, 226400 of which were successfully mediated, with a success rate of 99.3%.

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[Editor in charge: Fan Guobin]
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