Xinjiang procuratorial organs are really distracted from popularizing the law

2023-12-05 19:46:11 Source: - Xinjiang Daily - Xinjiang Daily (reporter Wang Na reported) In recent days, in the "Constitution Publicity Week" activities carried out by Xinjiang's procuratorial organs, prosecutors have played their strengths, went deep into the masses to spread the temperature of the rule of law across the north and south of Tianshan, and used new media platforms to make "cloud based" law popularization more exciting... In the face of this wave of content, "hard core" is rigorous, diverse Popularization of the law in various forms, the masses directly said: What a distraction!

The adult ceremony of the third grade of Urumqi No. 8 Middle School. Photographed by Yan Mengchen

On December 4, the 10th National Constitution Day, at Urumqi No. 8 Middle School, Gao Jiming, the Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of the Autonomous Region, as the vice principal of the school's rule of law, attended the senior three adult ceremony. He addressed the students to study and publicize the Constitution in depth, and encouraged them to grow up to be new people of the era with global vision, family and country feelings, independent personality, and the responsibility of national rejuvenation. "What the children gain is confidence in growth, and what they feel is the high expectations from the society," said Song Menghua, the head teacher of Class 5, Grade 3 of No. 8 Middle School.

The People's Procuratorate of the Autonomous Region, the People's Procuratorate of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, and the People's Procuratorate of Manas jointly launched the hand drawn cartoon Constitution and Our Life, and the micro cartoon Story of We and the Constitution, introducing the right to life, personal freedom, education and other rights involved in the Constitution in simple and popular language with warm pictures. After the work was launched on the new media platform of the Xinjiang Procuratorate, it received the attention and support of many netizens. The former was also forwarded by the WeChat official account of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Screenshot of the hand drawn cartoon Constitution and Our Life.

The People's Procuratorate of Jimsar County, together with the Anti Narcotics Office of Xiang'an District and the People's Procuratorate of Xiamen City, jointly held the live broadcast activity of "My Hometown's Education Base for Rule of Law" (the second stop), the week of constitutional publicity and law popularization. Children and prosecutors in the two places led netizens to identify, recognize and prevent drugs, and immersed in the law education base in their hometown. The total number of viewers on each webcast platform exceeded 1.28 million.

In addition, Tacheng Branch of the People's Procuratorate of Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture carried out a constitutional reading activity. Prosecutors wrote essays and poems to praise the Constitution, and filmed them as short videos to be released on the new media platform, updated once a day. The audio work "The Constitution Protects Our Life" produced by the Kashi People's Procuratorate has been launched on the new media platform for less than 24 hours and has been broadcast more than 30000 times.

The rule of law is publicized around, and the pace of law popularization is non-stop. In order to make the spirit of the Constitution deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Xinjiang prosecutors will continue to walk into schools, enterprises, agricultural and pastoral areas, and carry out a series of legal publicity activities in various forms in squares, parks, fairs and other places.

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[Editor in charge: Ma Xinling]
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