New era "Maple Bridge Experience" in Xinjiang • Interview | Make good use of the golden key of "Maple Bridge Experience" to solve the "thousands of knots" of the masses -- An exclusive interview with Yang Xinping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Yili Prefecture

2023-11-30 11:53:26 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily - Xinjiang Legal Daily reporter Zhang Xiu and Li Xuqun

As an important fulcrum in the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture has both development opportunities and risk challenges. How to practice the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era and provide fundamental guarantee for building a higher level of safe and legal Ili? Recently, Yang Xinping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Yili Prefecture, was interviewed by the reporter of the "New Era 'Maple Bridge Experience' in Xinjiang" themed interview group.

Relying on the masses and mobilizing the masses is the solution wisdom. "We persist in mobilizing the masses, relying on the masses, making efforts at the front end, and resolving conflicts before they occur." Yang Xinping said that all party members and cadres in Yili Prefecture went to the grass-roots level to carry out voluntary services, gathered all forces, adhered to and developed the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, enhanced the people's sense of ownership in participating in social governance, resolved all kinds of contradictions and disputes in a timely manner, and integrated the Party's principles, policies Publicize laws and regulations to the masses, improve the ability and level of grass-roots organizations to resolve conflicts and disputes, and enhance exchanges and exchanges among the people of all ethnic groups.

The unblocked and standardized channels for the expression of people's demands, the coordination of interests, and the protection of rights and interests are conducive to the substantive resolution of conflicts and disputes. Yili Prefecture has integrated resources and strength, built 784 prefecture, county and village four level, one-stop conflict and dispute mediation centers, and implemented the "three four five" closed-loop mediation model for conflict and dispute: front-line cadres' regular home "patrol", full-time personnel center "sit in", leaders' package "consultation", and "three diagnostic pulse" source governance; Mass appeals are accepted by category and handled at different levels, that is, general disputes are settled in three days on the grid, complex disputes are settled in five days at the village level, major disputes are settled in seven days at the township level, and major disputes are settled in 30 days at the county level, so as to achieve the "four level closed loop" in time; Through the five step work method of "diversion supervision, mediation priority, quick decision, petition resolution, mediation and return visit", we will promote the synergy of conflict resolution forces and ensure that conflicts and disputes do not spill over or escalate.

Yang Xinping introduced that Ili Prefecture adheres to "Party building+governance" as the guide, focuses on "diversification" of investigation and investigation, "grid" of service management, and "refinement" of comprehensive implementation, improves the working mechanism of diversified solution to contradictions and disputes, presses down and compacts the four level records of prefecture, county, township, and village to grasp the main responsibility of governance, and establishes a political and legal committee led by the secretary of the prefecture party committee A diversified dispute resolution and coordination organization with relevant industry departments as members has formed a diversified dispute resolution work system led by the Party Committee, coordinated by the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, implemented by departments and units, and participated by social forces to ensure the improvement of quality and efficiency of dispute resolution. At the same time, we will promote judges, prosecutors, police officers and lawyers to enter the community. In the long-term practice of contacting and serving the masses, grassroots cadres have formed a pragmatic style of "walking into the home, sitting down on the bench, playing homely and building feelings".

No matter how the society changes, no matter how the times develop, no matter how changeable the types and methods of mediation are, everything is for the people, which is the original intention and essence of the "Maple Bridge Experience". Yang Xinping introduced that Yili Prefecture, in line with local conditions, has set up the joint dispute resolution platform of the China Kazakhstan Horgos International Border Cooperation Center and other positions, and comprehensively used the "science and technology+" approach to achieve one-stop online acceptance, mediation, supervision and feedback of conflicts and disputes, so that the difficult demands of the masses can be resolved without leaving home. At the same time, in the face of the growing demand for legal services from people of all ethnic groups, Ili Prefecture has set up rapid adjudication (mediation) teams, 214 brand mediation rooms, 19 "Maple Bridge style courts", 16 tourism circuit courts, and 124 judge studios, realizing full coverage of legal service entity platforms, hotline platforms, and network platforms in 11 counties, 122 townships, and 955 villages (communities).

Where do good measures come from? The answer is from the masses. Ili Prefecture has created the discussion brand of "Ili people's milk tea meeting", centering on the idea of "civil civil discussion, civil civil business, civil civil decision", so that the masses can talk and discuss matters in farmyards and under the grape trellis, collect appeals, and resolve disputes.

People's satisfaction is an endless road, and "Maple Bridge Experience" is an endless book. Yang Xinping said that in the next step, Ili Prefecture will fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the Party's strategy of governing Xinjiang in the new era, especially the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping when listening to the work report of the autonomous region and the Corps, which will meet the real needs of Ili Prefecture to maintain social stability and high-quality economic development, deepen the closed-loop mediation of contradictions and disputes, and make good use of the residents' discussion mechanism of "Ili people's milk tea club", Form a brand cluster effect of co construction, co governance and sharing, constantly innovate and develop the "Maple Bridge experience" in the new era, constantly improve the social governance ability and level, and ensure the high-quality economic and social development of Ili Prefecture with a stable and orderly social order.

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[Editor in charge: Fan Guobin]
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