The "Maple Bridge Experience" in the New Era in Xinjiang | Hotan Area: "Action upon Receiving Complaints" Leverages Grassroots Governance Innovation

2023-11-21 10:19:31 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily - Xinjiang Legal Daily reporter Liu Yan, Zhang Lei, Zhao Shucheng, correspondent Hu Haoyang, Sun Xinglong

The staff of Hotan "12345" government service and convenience hotline management center is receiving the hotline. Drawings provided by the interviewee

A hotline listens to the voice of the people, sends orders to focus on the implementation, and "key minority" promotes the tackling of key problems. Since 2021, Hetian has focused on the "urgent needs" of the masses in the localization practice of the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, and established a working mechanism of rapid response, efficient handling, and active governance by means of "big data+grid", We will explore a new path for Party building to lead grass-roots governance, walk out of the new paradigm of the mass line in the new era, and build a new pattern of co construction, co governance, and sharing.

Proceeding from the public opinion, quickly pick up and handle

"This is 12345, what can I do for you?" On October 25, the reporter walked into the Hotline Management Center for "12345" government service and convenience in Hotan, and the work stations were full, and the phone rings and inquiries were mixed. On the huge display screen, real-time data such as the number of acceptances and the number of settlements are constantly beating, and the business segments such as appeal type statistics and hot issue analysis are clearly divided. Click on any appeal in the electronic account with the mouse, and the main responsible department, the co sponsoring department, the handling opinions, and the return visit are clear at a glance.      

As the "front window" for handling complaints immediately, the public opinions are gathered here.

In addition to the hotline, Hotan has also integrated SMS, WeChat, online messaging, letters and visits, financial media and other channels to achieve full online and offline collection of people's demands through home visits, raising the national flag on Monday, villagers' meetings, residents' meetings and other means. At the same time, we expanded the scope of immediate action to 67 items of 14 categories, more accurately perceived the real needs of the masses, and explored the way of good governance at the grass-roots level.

Ai Mou, a villager in Xiahelke Village, Layika Township, Hotan County, has a personal feeling about the efficiency of handling complaints immediately.

At 11:00 on September 9, Ai called the 12345 hotline and said that he would sell the harvested walnuts to the same village. He agreed to pay a total of 4500 yuan in three days, but he just didn't give them.

At 11:10, the "work order" was handled immediately after receiving the complaint and sent to the convenience service hall of Layika Township. The staff quickly determined that the main responsible department was the township people's mediation committee. After docking, the other party "received the order" and sent the people's mediator to Xiahelak Village to jointly mediate with the village judicial assistant. The walnut payment was paid to Ai one day.

The essence of "Maple Bridge Experience" is that "contradictions are not handed over and solved on the spot". In order to achieve this goal, Hotan District read the "fast" formula from top to bottom: respond quickly, handle affairs quickly, and satisfy the masses as soon as possible. By responding to complaints, we can solve the problems of the masses' "anxiety" more quickly, and the masses will feel more satisfied.

There is a set of working mechanism behind it: overall promotion - setting up a command center to handle complaints immediately in the region, and all departments at all levels are connected to the command center to form an operating system of party committee leadership, government responsibility, implementation at all levels, and immediate response; "One order to the end" - classify according to the nature of the appeal, distribute orders accurately, and track feedback; "Completion within a limited time" - a 1-7 day processing period is specified depending on the difficulty of the appeal; "One examination paper" - establish a "three rate" evaluation mechanism for response rate, solution rate and satisfaction rate, rank and summarize regularly, and compact responsibilities at all levels.

"We need to work hard to" embroider "when handling complaints." Qiao Mingju, director of the Hotan Grid Service Management Center, said that the region included the grid into the mechanism of handling complaints immediately, coordinated the strength of all parties in the "smallest unit" of grass-roots governance, and took advantage of its proximity and familiarity to respond to the "work order" at the first time and rush to the scene at the first time, Solve the demands in the grid. After that, a special person will be arranged to make a return visit. If the appeal is unqualified and the petitioner clearly expresses dissatisfaction, the procedure of re dispatch, re handling and re return visit will be started until it is completed and the masses are satisfied.

Make efforts from difficulties and cooperate in tackling difficulties

Housing, transportation, medical care, education, elderly care, public demands involve all aspects, and problems are various. The majority of cadres in Hotan area worked hard with emotion, one by one. But sometimes, some complex problems cannot be solved only by the strength of towns (streets) and villages (communities). What should we do?

On October 21, a public in Shorbag Township, Hotan City reported that he and his co-workers had been working on a construction site in Hotan City for two months, but they had not been paid. After asking for wages several times, the work place said that "settlement is still in progress".

How to solve the "salary difficulty"? Shorbag Township "whistled" to Hetian Municipal Party Committee, Mass Service Center, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, and these units soon came to "report".

Calculate the quantities, verify the list of workers and the workload, and check the accounts. After communication and coordination, the construction site will pay off the more than 360000 yuan owed to 24 migrant workers the next day.

On November 16, the People's Mediation Committee of Nalbag Street, Hotan City mediated a debt dispute. Drawings provided by the interviewee

Hotan District regards it as a "top leader" project of Party committees and governments at all levels. With the masses' demands as the "source of sentinel", the township (street) and village (community) party organizations "whistle cohesive force", functional departments and units under jurisdiction "should report to the sentinel", deeply integrate the party's organizational system with the grass-roots governance system, form a joint effort of integration and coordination, and effectively solve problems. During the interview, many grassroots cadres said that they must consolidate the grassroots foundation to adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era. With the guidance of Party building, they have a clearer sense of direction for grassroots governance, and make more efforts to coordinate all parties; With grassroots governance as the foothold, the work of Party building has become more solid, and the organizational and combat effectiveness of Party organizations has become stronger.

Since this year, Hetian District has defined a list of 112 "sentinel responses" from 17 departments, guiding industry departments to go down to the grass-roots level. Up to now, the prefecture and county level industry departments have taken the initiative to settle more than 160000 appeals.  

"More leaders, less people". In order to promote the quality and efficiency improvement of the work immediately after receiving the complaint, Hotan will apply the "Pujiang experience" to the governance practice and let the "key minority" play a key role. The main leaders of Hetian Prefecture Committee took the lead to visit, and approved 10 complex appeals every day; The secretary of the county (city) committee and the secretary of the political and legal committee receive regular visits and lead 10 key appeals every day; The secretary of the township (sub district) party working committee, the township head (sub district director) and the political and legal committee members are the "gold medal mediators", who will receive visits at any time to resolve difficult disputes.

On October 4, a leader of Hetian Prefecture Committee visited Serike Street, Cele County, and learned that the Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute of Hetian District Market Supervision Bureau had not issued a special inspection report on natural gas pipelines since the handover of the Silk Road Garden Community more than a year ago, which led to the delay of natural gas supply in the community and inconvenience to residents.

It is urgent to solve the problem of highlighting people's livelihood. The leader immediately approved the appeal, and the Hetian District Command Center immediately sent orders to the Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute of Hetian Market Supervision Bureau and the Qile County Party Committee. The industry department and the local party committee clearly defined their responsibilities, division of labor and cooperation. On October 24, the special inspection institute issued a special inspection report for the community. On October 25, the community residents used natural gas.

"Maple Bridge Experience" is bottom-up, focusing on prevention; The "Pujiang experience" is from top to bottom, and the key is to overcome difficulties. Only when the two go forward in a two-way way, can we focus on source control. Fundamentally speaking, what we can do immediately after receiving complaints is to improve efficiency and style of work. When cadres solve more demands, get closer to the masses and have deep feelings, they will be more proactive and willing to do practical things for the people.

On November 1, the People's Mediation Committee of Aqiang Township, Yutian County mediated a succession dispute.

Focus on problems and take initiative in governance

For refusing to pay the property fee, 170 owners of Yuhua Community, Mingzhu Community, Bostan Street, Moyu County were sued by the property company recently.

Considering that the case has a wide range of impacts, involves a large number of people, and the conflict is easy to intensify, the People's Court of Moyu County, after discussing with the Party Committee of Bostan Street, decided to use "Saturday Mediation Day" for "consultation".

Saturday, September 2. The conference room in Bostan Street was full of people. Resident representatives complained that the property service was not up to standard. The property company said that the owner's refusal to pay the property fee affected the company's operation. The people's mediator and the street staff guided both sides to think in terms of empathy. The judge explained the Civil Code and the Property Management Regulations, reminding the property company to improve its service, At the same time, the owner's representative should not refuse to pay the property fee on the ground that the property service has partial defects. After some communication, the two parties clarified the situation and reached a mediation agreement. The property company said it would make immediate rectification, and the owner's representative promised to pay the property fee as soon as possible.

Handle one case, educate one area and govern one side.

Now, the work of handling complaints immediately in Hotan is being extended and upgraded to "handling complaints first".

"Saturday Mediation Day" is one of the "Maple Bridge Moyu" judicial brand products innovatively created by Moyu County in February this year. It is led by the county party committee, led by the government, coordinated by the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, and jointly participated by the courts, procuratorates, judicial bureaus, petition bureaus, mass service centers, women's federations, civil affairs bureaus, villages and towns (streets), deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members to focus on solving difficult demands, Diversified solutions to conflicts and disputes.

Shang Shaoyin, member of the Standing Committee of the Moyu County Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, told reporters that on Saturdays, all departments were mixed into 19 groups to carry out "grand mediation" in all villages and towns (streets). Over the past nine months, more than 9800 conflicts and disputes have been mediated.

Find problems one step ahead, solve difficulties one step forward. Since this year, based on data mining, Hotan has combed out common problems from thousands of people's demands, taken targeted preventive measures, strengthened the troubleshooting of hidden dangers, and supplemented and highlighted weaknesses. At present, we have carried out 9 phases of 16 active governance in education, employment, insurance claims, share dividends, marriage and family, second-hand car transactions and other industries. In particular, the relevant departments issued special countermeasures and guidelines to resolve the debt problems left over from history, and analyzed seven types of problems, such as loss of connection, lack of evidence, and exceeding the time limit for litigation, to provide solutions. From solving a demand to solving a class of problems, the goal of "handling without litigation first" is achieved through source governance, which greatly enhances the targeting of government work.

"Maple Bridge Experience" emphasizes "mobilizing and relying on the masses". In the process of handling complaints immediately, all localities respect the initiative of the masses and rely on their participation. In Luopu County, the "Sincerity Pavilion" enables people to "discuss, decide and handle their own affairs"; In Moyu County, 35 boutique mediation rooms have created a "worry relief post station" at home; in Hotan City, debt relief teams and rural law learning and application demonstration households have played an active role

From January to October, Hotan has received 228100 difficult appeals from the masses and solved 227400, with a resolution rate of 99.69%. Behind the change of grass-roots governance system and governance capability that is promoted by "handling complaints immediately" is a "people's livelihood answer sheet" full of happiness and warmth.

Wuerqi Mediation Office in Moyu County mediated a family dispute. Drawings provided by the interviewee

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