Karamay City: "Point, Line and Surface" Draw "New Maple Landscape" for People's Mediation

2023-11-19 11:33:20 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily

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On October 27, the mediator of the Mediation Committee of Baijiantan Public Legal Service Center was mediating a contract dispute. Photographed by Correspondent Kulismu Muheyati

Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily reporter Guo Yuqiang Correspondent Mao Jianhua

"Special thanks to the help of the mediator 'Pomegranate Flower'. In the future, we must reduce the negative emotions in life and give more patience and encouragement to the children." On November 16, in the face of the enlightenment of the people's mediator, A Mou's mother and daughter in Yingbin Street, Karamay District, Karamay City hugged tightly. This is the 22nd dispute successfully resolved since the establishment of the "pomegranate flower" mediation team of the Yingbin Street People's Mediation Committee in April this year.

It is understood that the "pomegranate flower" people's mediation team has displayed a new style under the cultivation of the "comfortable personal mediation room" of the Yingbin Street People's Mediation Committee. The team consists of 9 volunteers and full-time people's mediators in the community, mainly resolving conflicts and disputes between residents in the jurisdiction and providing legal advice. At the same time, with the brand of "comfortable personal mediation" as the radiation, all mediation teams in 12 communities across the street are driven to operate with high quality and efficiency by point coverage, realizing the "casual mediation" of residents' disputes.

Qi Shuqin, the person in charge of "Shuqing Personal Mediation Room", said, "We should actively give play to the demonstration effect of the people's mediation brand. We should develop the personal mediation brand" solo "into" chorus ", and recruit, absorb, mine, and cultivate people who are enthusiastic, willing to contribute, understand the law, can express, and are good at communication to join the room."

In recent years, the judicial administrative organs and people's mediation organizations at all levels in Karamay have actively practiced the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, further consolidated the construction of people's mediation teams at the grassroots level, consolidated old brands, cultivated new brands, and set high benchmarks, with the focus on improving the level of grassroots governance, and constantly upgraded the construction of people's mediation teams.

In order to implement the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era at the grass-roots level, take the Yingbin Street in Karamay City as an example, and led by the grass-roots judicial office, implement the street and community level mediation system in the subdistrict area. According to the general contradictions and disputes Major, difficult and complicated contradictions and disputes are mainly mediated by the subdistrict departments themselves or coordinated and jointly mediated by the subdistrict mediation center, breaking the current situation of people's mediators singing "one-man show" in the past, and maximizing the local settlement of contradictions and disputes.

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On November 2, under the mediation of the Yingbin Subdistrict Mediation Committee, a mediation agreement was reached on the scene of a labor dispute. Photographed by correspondent Li Lu

At the street level, establish a multi mediation and joint mediation mechanism to resolve disputes, and form a joint force to resolve disputes at the grass-roots level. Establish the indicator system of "success rate of local mediation of contradictions and disputes", improve the docking mechanism of multi mediation work such as "visit and mediation linkage", "police and mediation linkage", "inspection and mediation linkage" and "litigation and mediation linkage", and achieve the work closed-loop and responsibility closed-loop of "one-stop acceptance, hierarchical responsibility, centralized diversion, mediation and resolution, tracking and return visit" for all kinds of contradictions and disputes, so as to ensure that all kinds of contradictions and disputes are resolved at the grass-roots level The solution is in the bud.

At the same time, the Commission actively explored the "four working methods" for resolving conflicts and disputes: family disputes using the method of family affection melting, neighborhood disputes using the method of external assistance, difficult interest segmentation using the method of empathy, and intense conflicts using the method of back-to-back mediation. All kinds of working methods should be flexibly used, mediation should be carried out carefully, and emotional guidance should be used to solve people's problems and disputes.

From January to October this year, Karamay people's mediation organizations at all levels resolved more than 3000 disputes.

"As the most grass-roots people's mediators, we shoulder the responsibility of resolving conflicts and disputes in the community, and we must remember the goal and task of keeping small things in the community." On November 15, Qi Shuqin told the people's mediators involved in the discussion of difficult and complex cases.

Since this year, in order to continuously strengthen the construction of the grassroots people's mediation team, the judicial administrative organs at all levels in Karamay City have continuously added community legal advisers, legal experts, retired veteran party members and cadres to the people's mediation team. At the same time, they have actively expanded the construction of people's mediation informants, and incorporated grassroots peace volunteers into the people's mediation informant team to "tap the potential" Grassroots dispute resolution resources become the "eyes of thousands of miles" and "ears of the wind" of grassroots dispute resolution forces. All 1088 pollsters are certified.

Up to now, three of the members of the city's people's mediation organization have been rated as "National Model People's Mediators" and six as "Outstanding People's Mediators of the Autonomous Region".

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[Editor in charge: Guligene Elken]
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