The first one-stop dispute settlement center in Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone was established

2023-11-17 23:34:10 Source: - Xinjiang Daily - Xinjiang Daily (reported by Suo Rongzhi) On November 17, the unveiling ceremony of the one-stop dispute settlement center for the economic development function block of Urumqi Area of Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone was held in Urumqi International Inland Port Area. This is the first one-stop dispute settlement center established after the inauguration of Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone.

On November 17, the one-stop dispute settlement center in the economic development functional block of Urumqi Area of Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone was unveiled, and the head of an enterprise was conducting business consultation. Photographed by Guo Changlong

The one-stop dispute settlement center is set up on the third floor of the comprehensive office building in Urumqi International Inland Port District. It has simultaneously introduced four functional departments of market supervision, courts, procuratorates, judicial bureaus and 12 law firms to settle in, and has five studios for intellectual property protection, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and dispute resolution.

The one-stop dispute settlement center combines the public functions of government service, legal prosecution and administration with the market-oriented operation of law firms to build a "one-stop" dispute settlement platform for foreign-related commercial litigation, arbitration and mediation.

In order to provide legal services to enterprises in an all-round way, the Judicial Bureau of Urumqi Economic Development Zone (Toutun District) actively coordinates the introduction of a number of law firms, selects lawyers who are good at cross-border investment and financing, major asset restructuring and other fields to provide professional services for enterprises, and realizes mutual empowerment and systematic sharing of high-quality legal service resources and high-quality judicial resources, Provide high-level legal services and legal guarantee.

As a law firm with rich experience in relevant legal services in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai Jintiancheng Law Firm will bring high-quality legal service resources to various enterprises in Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone.

"In the near future, we will communicate with enterprises in the Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone to understand their legal needs. Later, we will set up a law firm branch in the Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone to better provide legal services for enterprises in the Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone." Meng Cuilan, a lawyer from Shanghai Jintiancheng Law Firm, said, The law firm mainly provides policy and legal advisory services for enterprises in the Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, non litigation services for overseas mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and overseas listing, and legal services for international trade dispute litigation and arbitration services.

"The establishment of the one-stop dispute settlement center in the economic development function block is the first step to promote the construction of the Silk Road Legal Affairs Zone, and also the implementation of the Overall Plan of China (Xinjiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone One of the specific measures is to make a good start in promoting the simplification of administration and decentralization and optimizing service reform in the economic development functional block of Urumqi Area of Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone. It is also a specific starting point to create a market-oriented and legal business environment. " Wang Jianglong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Judicial Bureau of Urumqi Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District), said that the Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District) will actively promote institutional innovation, provide all-round legal services for enterprises and relevant institutions in the Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, and create a good economic order and legal business environment.

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[Editor in charge: Ma Xinling]
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