Duanduan police officer said that traffic regulations should not allow "overcrowding" to crowd out safety

2023-09-21 18:45:42 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily

Tianshan.com - reporter of Xinjiang Legal Daily Gong Yanchen, correspondent Ding Juan

  Key words - overcrowding

Overloading is a traffic violation. However, there are always people who are lucky enough to think that the danger will not happen to themselves. However, this kind of behavior is not only at the cost of life, but also for other traffic participants, the overcrowded vehicle is a mobile "time bomb". Once an accident occurs, there is no way to regret it.

Cartoon/Li Jiliang


At about 12:00 on September 11, when the police of Kuitun Brigade of the High grade Highway Detachment of the Traffic Police Corps of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region were on duty in Kuitun Service Area of G30 Lianhuo Expressway, they found a small car slightly crowded in the back.

The police asked the driver to lower all the windows and found that four passengers were crowded in the rear seat, but the car was checked to carry five people and one person was overloaded.

After the police directed the vehicle to stop in the safety area, they learned that on the same day, Yang took his family from Dushanzi District of Karamay City to Urumqi for business. When he set out, he found one more person. Yang felt that it would be a waste to drive another car for this person, so he took a lucky chance and let four of them squeeze in the back row.

The police criticized and educated Yang about his illegal act of driving with more than one person. According to the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law, they fined him 200 yuan, scored 3 points on his driver's license, and ordered him to transport the overloaded person safely. Yang said that he must learn from this experience and strictly abide by the laws and regulations on road traffic safety.  

End to end theory

Zhang Duanhai, Deputy Leader of the Traffic Police Corps Accident Handling and Order Management Detachment of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region, said that the hazards of overloaded driving are mainly manifested in four aspects:

First, the vehicle is overloaded, so that a large number of people and goods are carried in a narrow space. Once a dangerous accident occurs, it will increase the difficulty of escape in dangerous situations. People in the vehicle may be unable to escape due to space congestion, wasting the opportunity of escape.

Second, the vehicle is overloaded, the load mass increases, the inertia increases, the braking distance lengthens, and the danger increases. If the vehicle is overloaded seriously, it will cause tire burst, sudden deviation, brake failure, rollover and other accidents due to excessive tire load and deformation. Overload will also affect the steering performance of the vehicle, which is easy to cause accidents due to out of control steering.

Third, drivers who drive overloaded vehicles tend to increase psychological burden and mental pressure, and are prone to operational errors, affecting driving safety and causing traffic accidents.

Fourth, the safety facilities of the vehicle are set according to the number of people who are checked. The overloaded passengers will be more vulnerable and more seriously injured than other people in the event of an emergency due to the lack of seats, safety belts and other safety facilities.

Legal analysis

Article 49 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the number of people carried by motor vehicles shall not exceed the verified number, and passenger motor vehicles shall not carry goods in violation of regulations. According to the first paragraph of Article 92 of the law, if a highway passenger vehicle carries more passengers than the rated number of passengers, it shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan; A fine of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan shall be imposed if it exceeds 20 percent of the rated passenger capacity or carries goods in violation of regulations.

According to the provisions of Article 11 of the Measures for the Administration of Scoring of Illegal Acts in Road Traffic Safety, if a motor vehicle driver drives a school bus, a road passenger vehicle, a tourist passenger vehicle, or a passenger vehicle with more than 7 seats, the number of passengers in other passenger vehicles exceeds the approved number by more than 20 percent but does not reach 50 percent, 3 points shall be scored at a time.

Some drivers believe that only passengers who occupy seats are considered to be overloaded, and children who do not occupy seats are not considered to be overloaded, which is a mistake. According to the provisions on the "natural person" carried by motor vehicles in laws and regulations such as China's Road Traffic Safety Law, "natural person" is a person born under natural conditions, including infants and young children. What's more dangerous is that even when driving at a slow speed, once the emergency brake is applied, adults cannot protect the child in their arms. If the child is lucky enough to fly out, the parent who suddenly leans forward may also hurt the child's head and neck.

   The police specially remind that, Children shall not be overloaded and safety measures shall be taken. Article 18 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors clearly stipulates that parents or other guardians of minors should take measures such as providing child safety seats and educating minors to abide by traffic rules to prevent minors from being injured by traffic accidents.

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[Editor in charge: Li Na]
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