The Department of Justice of the autonomous region held a training course for network security professionals in the judicial administration system of the region

2023-09-11 10:59:50 Source: Xinjiang Legal Daily


Opening ceremony site. Provided by the respondent - Xinjiang Rule of Law News (reporter Zhang Lei reported) On September 8, the training course for network security professionals in the judicial administration system of our region opened in Xinjiang Judicial Police Vocational College.

This training thoroughly studied and implemented the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on network power, learned and implemented the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping when listening to the work reports of the Party Committee, the government and the Corps of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and constantly promoted the theme education of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to go deeper and more practical.

The training lasts for 9 days, and experts, scholars and network security experts from relevant units in the autonomous region are invited to give lectures on professional courses such as the publicity and implementation of network security and hierarchical protection policies, information security supervision, information security support technology, physics and network security, and continue to deepen the institutionalization, standardization and specialization of the informatization work of the judicial and administrative system, Promote the construction of the network security professional team of the judicial administration system, improve the management level of the judicial administration system network and business system grading, filing, construction and evaluation, promote the application of commercial passwords, improve the network security defense capability and level of the judicial administration system, ensure the safe and stable operation of important information systems, and promote the comprehensive rule of law Build a beautiful Xinjiang and lay a solid foundation for network security.

Participants said that the training course was rich, detailed, targeted and practical, which provided new ideas and methods for the judicial administration network security work, and was conducive to guiding and helping the follow-up work.

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[Editor in charge: Ma Xinling]
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