Legal services delivered to the job fair

2023-08-05 12:30:34 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily

On August 3, the staff of Hetian Street Judicial Office of the Justice Bureau of Saybagh District, Urumqi answered the legal questions to the masses. Photographed by correspondent Bai Xueqing - Xinjiang Legal Daily (reporter Yang Rui and correspondent Bai Xueqing reported) In order to further optimize the legal business environment, on August 3, the Hetian Street Judicial Office of the Justice Bureau of Saybagh District, Urumqi, together with the Hetian Street Sub district Office, launched a community recruitment fair for public employment services.

At the job fair, the staff of Hetian Street Judicial Office carried out legal publicity activities by hanging propaganda banners, distributing legal publicity materials, and answering people's legal advice on the spot around the theme of "optimizing the legal business environment, and escorting high-quality economic development".

Yang Jing, the deputy director of Hetian Street Judicial Office, led legal service staff to provide legal advice on labor risk prevention and management risk prevention for recruitment enterprises, and provided employment related policies for job seekers, including legal issues such as salary, entry and departure, and industrial injury compensation encountered in the process of job hunting.

More than 80 legal books and more than 700 legal knowledge publicity materials were distributed at the event, which was well received by the masses.

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[Editor in charge: Guligene Elken]
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