Lane change causes trouble! High speed traffic police prompt: one light, two mirrors and three directions are required for lane change

2023-08-01 21:52:49 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily - Xinjiang Legal Daily News (reporter Han Jin's correspondent Liu Xiao reported) Lane change is a common operation in the driving process. You can change lanes at will on the expressway, which may affect other vehicles, or cause traffic accidents such as collision, rear end collision, rollover, or even vehicle destruction and death. On July 29, a three vehicle collision accident caused by blind lane change occurred near the second ring road overpass of G7 Beijing Xinjiang Expressway.

A white van was about to change lanes from the first lane to the second lane, but it returned to the first lane. This behavior made the driver of the black minibus driving normally in the second lane on the right make an emergency avoidance action. The black minibus lost control and hit the central guardrail. In this process, the black minibus not only hit the white van at the waist, but also hit another normal off-road vehicle after bouncing off.

During the handling of the accident, the police of Jiawan Brigade of the High grade Highway Detachment of the Traffic Police Corps of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region asked several drivers of the vehicles involved. Chen, the driver of the white van, admitted that he had not carefully observed the vehicles behind him before changing lanes. He glanced at the rear-view mirror and did not notice that a car was coming. In the process of changing lanes, However, he found that the black minibus was very close, and he had to drive back to the original lane. Unexpectedly, the driver of the car behind him made a hasty turn to avoid, resulting in a three car accident.

The traffic police determined that Chen assumed the main responsibility for the traffic accident, and the driver of the black minibus assumed the secondary responsibility.

   How to change lanes safely and correctly?

   High speed traffic police prompt: Lane change is a process that requires "cooperation" with other vehicles. The correct approach is "one lamp, two mirrors and three directions". First, turn on the turn signal in advance to signal to other vehicles before changing lanes; The second step is to observe the rear-view mirror to determine whether the surrounding road conditions are suitable for lane change, and quickly observe whether there are other vehicles approaching the blind areas on both sides of the vehicle; The third step is to slowly drive the direction and quickly change lanes. When changing lanes, you should gradually change lanes one by one. Only one lane can be changed at a time, and gradually change to the target lane one by one.

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[Editor in charge: Ma Xinling]
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