The publicity of heatstroke prevention never misses the "Yakesi" of Yining police

2023-07-22 17:33:43 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily - Xinjiang Legal Daily News (reporter Li Xuqun, correspondent Liu Cairu reported) On July 20, Yining was in high temperature. In order to prevent tourists from heatstroke, the police of Jiefang Road Police Station of Yining Public Security Bureau went deep into the Liuxing Street scenic spot in the city, distributed cool mung bean soup and iced watermelon to tourists and sanitation workers, and distributed leaflets Face to face presentations and other ways to explain to tourists in detail the safety prevention knowledge of anti telecommunications fraud, anti drowning, anti-theft, fire prevention, etc.

 In the hot summer, the police sent iced mung bean soup and watermelons 656.jpg to the sanitation workers in Liuxing Street for free

The police sent watermelons to the sanitation workers in Liuxing Street. Photographed by correspondent Liu Cairu

A tourist said: "The police of Yining City carried out propaganda activities here. We not only learned security knowledge, but also tasted watermelon and mung bean soup. The police of Yili City are really beautiful and kind-hearted!"

 The police of Jiefang Road Police Station publicized the law to the tourists in Liuxing Street and sent watermelon and mung bean soup to relieve the summer heat. 1.jpg

The police publicized fraud prevention knowledge to tourists. Photographed by correspondent Liu Cairu

Through this publicity, the safety awareness of tourists has been improved, and the ability of the masses to guard against theft, fire and telecommunications fraud has been strengthened.

 The police of Jiefang Road Police Station publicized the law to the tourists in Liuxing Street and sent watermelon and mung bean soup to relieve the summer heat. 2.jpg

The police sent watermelons to tourists. Photographed by correspondent Liu Cairu

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[Editor in charge: Jiang Lan]
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