Solve the Court's Difficulty in Enforcement In the first half of the year, Xinjiang's insurance industry provided 7.713 billion yuan of litigation protection

2023-07-20 21:50:53 Source: - Xinjiang Daily - Xinjiang Daily (reporter Ran Hu reported) From January to June this year, Xinjiang's insurance industry provided litigation protection coverage of 7.713 billion yuan to litigants throughout Xinjiang by means of litigation property preservation insurance, promoted the construction of the "justice+insurance" mechanism, helped build a one-stop litigation service system, and solved court enforcement problems.

Litigation preservation means that when the court hears a case, in order to prevent the parties (defendants) from transferring, hiding and selling their property before making a judgment, it takes protective measures according to law on the subject matter of the lawsuit or property related to the case to ensure the smooth implementation of the judgment after it takes effect. As a party (plaintiff), he can apply for insurance company to provide guarantee for his property preservation behavior through litigation preservation insurance.

Zhou Ling, secretary-general of Xinjiang Insurance Industry Association, explained that litigation property preservation insurance is a kind of insurance that the applicant applies to the court for litigation preservation before or during litigation to prevent the respondent from transferring property. The preservation responsibility is borne by the insurance company. The purpose of this insurance is to prevent the debtor from maliciously transferring property and evading execution in the litigation stage, and to solve the dilemma of the applicant's application for property preservation without property guarantee.

By building a litigation service platform of "justice+insurance", insurance institutions have organically combined the insurance protection function with civil litigation, reduced the litigation costs of the parties and the threshold of litigation property preservation, effectively solved the problems of difficult guarantee and enforcement, improved the possibility of property preservation, provided a strong guarantee for judicial enforcement, and maintained the dignity and authority of the law, Maintain and stabilize social order.

It is understood that in December 2022, the Xinjiang Insurance Industry Association signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Urumqi Intermediate People's Court to comprehensively promote the construction of the "online+offline" one-stop litigation service system, and at the same time, launch the Xinjiang "litigation micro security" small program.

The launch of the "Litigation Micro security" applet connects the data of the court business platform with the insurance data of the insurance institutions, so as to realize the data sharing, shorten the time for the court to file and review cases, improve the efficiency of the litigants' filing and guarantee, and achieve the goal of convenient service of "more data and less people".

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[Editor in charge: Cui Daosheng]
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