How do Xinjiang police and businessmen communicate? Here comes the list of positive and negative faces!

2023-07-20 17:07:32 Source: - Xinjiang Daily - Xinjiang Daily (reported by Sui Yunyan) The reporter learned from the news briefing held by the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region on July 20 that the "pro pro" and "clean" list of positive and negative aspects of police business exchanges in the economic investigation department of Xinjiang Public Security (for trial implementation) was issued, which further clarifies the law and scale of police business exchanges, promotes the pro pro, clean and promising police business exchanges, and achieves sincerity Dealing with enterprises in an open and aboveboard manner, protecting and stimulating the vitality of business entities, further creating a strong atmosphere of doing business, respecting business and being pro business, optimizing and improving the business environment, and deepening the construction of clean public security.

On July 20, the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region held a press briefing and released the "pro pro" and "clean" list of positive and negative aspects of police business exchanges in the Xinjiang Public Security Economic Investigation Department (for trial implementation). - Photographed by Sui Yunyan, a reporter of Xinjiang Daily

There are 12 items in the positive list to further standardize the law enforcement behavior of the police, so as to ensure that the law enforcement is both strong and warm, both in accordance with the law and regulations, and humanistic care, including correctly handling the relationship between the police and business, improving the police enterprise contact system, treating business subjects equally, cracking down on corporate crimes, including strictly grasping crimes and non crimes, prudently applying coercive measures We will accelerate the handling of enterprise related cases, establish an early warning and prevention mechanism, strengthen the troubleshooting and resolution of conflicts, and focus on maintaining corporate reputation.

The 12 negative lists specify the prohibited items, clarify the bottom line of the public security organs and police in the process of duty enforcement, visit and research, daily services and other interactions with enterprises, and further strengthen the discipline requirements of the public security organs in serving enterprises.

For example, it is strictly forbidden to follow orders or keep prohibitions on the implementation of decisions and arrangements related to the optimization of the business environment of service enterprises, ignore the legitimate demands of enterprises, ignore the difficulties of enterprises, shirk disputes, do nothing, act recklessly, or act slowly in service enterprises, and it is strictly forbidden to interfere in the specific business management activities of enterprises, seek illegitimate interests for enterprises or damage their legitimate rights and interests, To seek personal gains in the name of an enterprise; It is strictly forbidden to seal up, detain or freeze the property of enterprises and their operators beyond their authority, scope, amount or time limit.

It is strictly prohibited to take credit, abuse power for personal gain, trade money and power, embezzle and bribe, neglect of duty, dereliction of duty, cover up and indulge illegal acts of enterprises or even act as "protective umbrella" in enterprise related work; It is strictly prohibited to accept banquets or travel, fitness, entertainment and other activities that may affect the fair performance of official duties provided by enterprises and their operators, to enter and leave private clubs in violation of regulations, and to participate in various corporate celebrations without approval.

In addition, it is strictly prohibited to illegally take a part-time job in the enterprise, invest in shares, or obtain extra benefits such as salary, bonus and allowance after being approved to take a part-time job, or illegally arrange spouses, children and their spouses to receive salary in the name of the enterprise, and allow and connive at spouses, children and their spouses to engage in businesses and enterprises that may conflict with public interests in the areas and business scope under their jurisdiction Social intermediary services and other activities.

According to the negative list, it is also strictly prohibited for police officers to accept the employment of enterprises in the area and business scope under the jurisdiction of their original positions after leaving or retiring, or to engage in profit-making activities related to the business under the jurisdiction of their original positions.

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[Editor in charge: Liu Fang]
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