Dushanzi District carried out anti fraud propaganda "Four Enters" activity

2023-06-05 12:21:00 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily


On June 3, the procurator of Dushanzi District Procuratorate explained fraud prevention methods and techniques to teachers and students in schools under their jurisdiction. Provided by the respondent

Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily (reporter Guo Yuqiang reported) In order to effectively curb the high incidence of telecom network fraud cases, Dushanzi District of Karamay City has been actively carrying out anti fraud propaganda activities to enter business circles, enterprises, schools and communities.

On June 1, the police of Dushanzi District Branch of Karamay Public Security Bureau carried out anti fraud propaganda for shops and fairs along the street, distributed propaganda materials to merchants in the area under its jurisdiction, made case statements around common fraud routines such as investment and wealth management, rebate, loans, etc., explained the means and characteristics of electronic fraud in popular language, and told people not to take advantage of small gains, Do not transfer money to an unfamiliar account easily, and protect your "money pocket".

In the afternoon of the same day, the police of the bureau went deep into the enterprises under their jurisdiction to carry out a propaganda campaign to prevent telecom network fraud, issued anti fraud brochures to the employees of the enterprises, and reminded them to enhance their awareness of security and prevention in their daily work and life, to do not listen, do not trust, and do not transfer money, and to be wary of being cheated to avoid property damage.

On June 2, the procurator of the People's Procuratorate of Dushanzi District explained fraud prevention methods and techniques to teachers and students in the area under their jurisdiction, reminding them not to easily inform others of personal data, bank card numbers, deposit passwords and other information, and explaining what is telecom fraud, common types of telecom fraud, and how to prevent telecom fraud.

On June 3, community propagandists in Dushanzi District answered questions for residents in the area under their jurisdiction, promoted fraud prevention skills, reminded them to improve their awareness of self security in their daily life, and raised their vigilance against unknown short messages, websites, etc. to guard against fraud by analyzing the usual means and ways of committing crimes of telecommunications fraud.


On June 3, the community propagandist of Dushanzi District publicized the knowledge of preventing telecom network fraud to the residents in the jurisdiction. Provided by the respondent

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