Smoky wheels The driver didn't know they were "blocking the road"

2023-05-17 22:29:08 Source: - Xinjiang Daily

At 17:08 on May 16, when patrolling, the police of the patrol and control team of Alashankou Public Security Bureau found that at the intersection of Alatao Road and Hubei Street, the wheels of a large truck in motion were smoking, and it was suspected that a fire broke out. The police stopped the truck and informed the driver of the danger after an emergency chase. Then the police assisted the driver, Mr. Mu, to put out the burning wheel, and continued to pay attention to the wheel brakes until the brake pads cooled down.

It is learned that Mr. Mu, the driver, entered the country from the Alashankou port and went to the Xianghe International Customs Supervision Warehouse at Alashankou to load goods. There are many vehicles and the car body is large in this section. For safety reasons, Mr. Mu stepped on the brake for a long time, which caused the brake pad temperature to be too high and the tire to catch fire.

(Reporter Rezi Wanguli Abedu Rehefu Correspondent Xu Chao and Wang Wenlong)

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