Karamay Public Security Bureau cracked telecom fraud cases, up 171% year on year

2023-05-15 11:38:55 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily


On the spot of Karamay City Promotion Meeting on Cracking Down on the New Type of Illegal Crime of Telecommunication Network. Photographed by Yan Jie, the correspondent

Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily News (reporter Guo Yuqiang and correspondent Yan Jie reported) On May 9, the reporter learned from the promotion meeting of Karamay on combating new types of illegal crimes in telecommunications networks that since this year, the city's telephone fraud alarm has dropped 12.5% year on year, avoiding economic losses of 1.9026 million yuan, stopping payment of 954 bank cards, and stopping payment of 113500 yuan; In the work of solving cases and recovering stolen goods and damages, the number of telecommunications fraud cases uncovered rose 171% year on year, 151 suspects were arrested, and 629100 yuan of returned funds were recovered.

It is understood that the Karamay Public Security Bureau, adhering to the principle of "no trivial matters in the interests of the masses" and a highly responsible attitude towards the masses, has given full play to the role of joint meetings at the municipal and district levels, and has taken greater efforts to form a strong joint force to crack down on the fraud and crime of telecommunications networks with greater determination, strength and practical measures, We will try our best to curb the high incidence of telecommunications network fraud cases and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

According to the analysis, the main types of wire fraud cases in Karamay from January to April are part-time bill swiping, fake customer service, false credit investigation, false service, false investment and financing, and loan fraud. The public security organ will deeply analyze the situation of the groups infringed by the telecommunications network fraud crimes, deeply analyze local cases, fully study the fraud situation in the city, adhere to the classified policy, and maintain the pertinence of publicity and prevention.

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[Editor in charge: Dimuna Wusi Erhan]
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