The Lecture on the Rule of Law by "Famous Teachers" Goes into Burqin

2023-05-11 17:21:43 Source: - Xinjiang Daily - Xinjiang Daily (reporter Sui Yunyan's correspondent Lu Yuan reported) "Can defective evidence be raised together with illegal evidence at the pre court meeting?" The lecture on rule of law was held in Burqin County Public Security Bureau. After the lecture, the judges, prosecutors, public security police and lawyer representatives discussed and exchanged views on the evidence issues in criminal proceedings, the protection of the rights of victims in criminal proceedings, and the difficulties and problems encountered by the three parties in judicial practice around the relationship between prosecution, defense and trial.

On May 10, Burqin County held a lecture on the rule of law entitled "Famous Teachers on Law". Photographed by Song Shuqi

Wang Jinxi, a professor of the Law School of China University of Political Science and Law and a doctoral supervisor, was invited as the keynote speaker in this lecture. With the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's idea of rule of law, and strengthening the legal awareness, procedural awareness, and evidence collection awareness of case handlers, a special counseling lecture on high-quality development of the legal profession and rule of law construction was held. More than 150 people attended the lecture, including the main principals and business backbones of law enforcement units, townships (towns), and case handling police in the county.

After the lecture, representatives of the prosecution, defense and trial carried out discussions and exchanges in the field of criminal proceedings. Photographed by Song Shuqi

Since 2021, Burqin County has insisted on the combination of inviting in and going out to carry out rule of law education, invited experts and professors from famous schools to carry out 36 online and offline thematic lectures, strengthened exchanges and cooperation with various training institutions outside Xinjiang, and held 6 thematic training courses for more than 240 people.

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[Editor in charge: Luo Xiaoli]
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