The Public Security Department of the autonomous region carried out the destruction of infringing goods

2023-04-26 19:02:47 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily

On April 26, the Food, Drug and Environmental Crime Investigation Bureau of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region launched the World Intellectual Property Day publicity campaign, displaying some counterfeit and shoddy goods investigated and dealt with by the police. Photographed by reporter Han Jin - Xinjiang Legal Daily News (reporter Han Jin's correspondent Zhang Ning reported) On April 26, the Food, Drug and Environmental Crime Investigation Bureau of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region held a World Intellectual Property Day publicity activity with the theme of "strengthening the legal protection of intellectual property rights and strongly supporting comprehensive innovation" to display the results of the "Kunlun" special action.

During the activity, the staff of Xinjiang Xinhongwei Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. said, "First, we store these fake and inferior engine oils in different categories, then transport them to qualified production enterprises for recycling, reuse and reproduction, and finally sell them after they become qualified product oils."

In the morning of the same day, the Food, Drug and Environmental Crime Investigation Bureau of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region centrally destroyed more than 8000 barrels of infringing and counterfeit automotive lubricants, involving more than 20 million yuan. It also displayed some counterfeit cigarettes, alcohol, cosmetics, watches, bags and other items involved in the case, and broadcast them online through the Xinjiang Public Security New Media Government Platform "Ping An Tianshan", exposing typical cases Popularized laws and regulations, taught the knowledge of identifying fake goods, improved the ability of people to identify fake and inferior goods and the awareness of intellectual property protection.

On April 26, the Food, Drug and Environmental Crime Investigation Bureau of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region organized the destruction of more than 8000 barrels of infringing and counterfeit automotive lubricants. Photographed by reporter Han Jin

This activity was organized by the public security organ, and participated by the procuratorate, court, intellectual property and other relevant departments, with the purpose of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and protecting the high-quality economic development of our district.

"Recently, we actively carried out the 'Kunlun Action' to investigate and deal with nearly 3000 cases of fake and substandard goods and food safety related to people's livelihood. The main targets are maternal and child health care products, household appliances, clothing bags, construction, fire protection products, and fake and substandard products involved in food, medicine, medical beauty and other industries." Yin Shengli, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Food, Drug and Environmental Crime Investigation Bureau of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region, introduced.

It is understood that the Xinjiang public security organs adhere to the "Kunlun Action" as the main line, and severely crack down on crimes in the field of food, drug, and intellectual property according to law. In 2022, 1898 criminal cases in the field of food, drug, and environmental protection were solved, 25 criminal gangs were killed, 71 criminal dens were destroyed, and 2569 criminal suspects were arrested, involving 283 million yuan.

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[Editor in charge: Zhang Weihua]
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