Xinjiang Public Security Organs Centrally Destroy More than 8000 Infringement and Counterfeit Commodities

2023-04-26 19:13:42 Source: - Xinjiang Daily - Xinjiang Daily (reporter Zhang Lei reported) April 26 this year is the 23rd World Intellectual Property Day. On the morning of the 26th, the Food, Drug and Environmental Crime Investigation Bureau of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region organized a unified destruction activity to combat the crime of infringing intellectual property rights and manufacturing and selling fake and inferior commodities.


Destroy the activity site. Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhang Lei

This destruction activity mainly involved more than 8000 barrels of infringing and counterfeit automotive lubricants seized by the Bureau according to law, with a value of more than 20 million yuan involved. These lubricants seized a series of cases of selling fake brand lubricants discovered by the Bureau in 2021. The criminals bought fake bulk brand lubricants from outside Xinjiang for personal gain, and then sold them to all parts of Xinjiang by pasting labels.
After the first and second instance of the case, the Higher People's Court of the Autonomous Region made a final judgment in March this year. The staff of the People's Procuratorate of the Autonomous Region and the Higher People's Court of the Autonomous Region witnessed and supervised the destruction throughout the process.


The staff is dumping infringing and counterfeit automotive lubricants by category. Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhang Lei

Gao Xiang, the third grade police chief of the Intellectual Property Crime Investigation Detachment of the Food, Drug and Environmental Crime Investigation Bureau of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region, introduced that the sale of counterfeit registered trademark goods not only harms the interests of trademark holders, but also adversely affects the normal market economic order.
Yin Shengli, deputy director of the Food, Drug and Environmental Crime Investigation Bureau of the Public Security Department of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, said that Xinjiang's public security organs will protect the intellectual property rights of various market entities equally according to law, crack down on crimes that infringe intellectual property rights, promote the construction of a high standard market system, and help Xinjiang's high-quality economic development.

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[Editor in charge: Ning Yanli]
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